

Prasad Rao, PhD Director INTRODUCTION The advent of internet, digital financial instruments and online trading platforms has opened a large set of opportunities and issues. Specifically, the rapid & unregulated growth of the online consumer economy, that incremented environmental externalities associated with production, packaging, transportation, consumption and disposal, has remained largely unregulated. This owes to the fact the online platform is an assemblage of many producers, many Retailers, and many consumers, each who are diffusely distributed over a large aerial extent, consequent to which there is both a diffused remote violator and a free rider problem. As trade links deepen and incomes expand, such consumerism is likely to expand, and exacerbate multi-media pollution. It, hence, turns necessary to conceive of a strategy that not only encompasses the enormity of the digital world, but also addresses the complexity from the diffused nature of...

The HPMRA: Resolving the Medical Plastics Wastes Conundrum

Prasad Rao, MTech PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Disclaimer :  This commercial design, abstracted from on a longer manuscript ( Download Abstract here ), is copyrighted vide L-132171/2023. The following is an abstract meant to inform the Public of the design and associated commercial opportunities. Introduction The raging Pandemic, with a worldwide mortality toll in the Millions, and consequent social and economic fallout, has exposed the vulnerability of a Per-capita Economy, and brought many a Societies, Nations, Governments to their knees. The high priority accorded health and hygiene has turned Bio-medical Plastics and other disposables a necessary evil to the human society, and particularly so in times such as the COVID Pandemic when Medical Plastics have expanded in use, and comprise an increasingly larger share of waste disposed. Consequently, and though Medical Plastics and other bio-medical waste generation has mu...

The 'Safe with AltKuz' Transport & Mobility Paradigm

 The 'Safe with AltKuz' Transport & Mobility Paradigm Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd Disclaimer : AltKuznets intends its ‘Safe with AltKuz’ proposal to be compatible in intents and outcomes, if not conforming of Public Safety Regulations. The proposal is meant exclusively for peacetime Public and Commercial applications. It claims its conception is publicly pareto & privately beneficial above and beyond all weather events, existing rules, regulations and restrictions. However, by the nature of the matter, Public Safety and Insurance is associated with moral hazard involving public and private risks of various degrees, risk aggregation, avoidance & transfers across time & location. It cautions clients and potential users of unforeseen complications that might, at times, force unintended consequences. AltKuznets expects changes to transport patterns & parameters and consequent impacts across t...

The AltKuznets Insurance-leveraged Sustainability Strategy

The AltKuznets Insurance-leveraged Sustainability Strategy   Prasad Rao, PhD,  Director,   Sustainability, in its various forms – Social, Political and Environmental, has an indelible impression on the society and the markets. Sustainability is also fundamental to replication of the society in to larger contexts. Whereas Sustainability is quantified in various metrices and indices, the same is reflected in Capital markets in the form of Yields, Returns and Inflation. Specifically, and whereas Returns in Equity are oftentimes correlated negatively, Inflation, both monetary and at the Bullion, are symptomatic of incipient or cumulative unsustainability. AltKuznets has, in its earlier Business proposals, outlined how Taxes – Personal and Capital Gains, as well as Personal Next Status, could be leveraged to increment Precinct and extra-Precinct Sustainability. Here, we broach a strategy to leverage Personal Life Insurance to increment ...

A Market-based Resolution to Global Social Causes

    Prasad Rao, PhD Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd       The various Multi-lateral Institutions – IMF, GEF, IPCCC, WB, WHO, ILO, IMO, etc, that espouse long, prudential global causes linked to Human Society and its co-existence with Nature & Narnia, administer them thru various Governments, Affiliates and NGOs. They also lean on entities in the financial markets who design and administer Cause-specific analytical, rating and financial instruments. MLIs lean on such constructs as SDG Indicators, and cumulated/current Indicators of physical phenomena that reveal the extent of diffuse pollution, climate, or other social malaises and externalities, to guide remedial and administrative policies that achieve an eventual goal largely beyond the cognizance or planning horizon of Individuals, Commerce, Businesses, even one-term Political Governments. Consequently, such causes, when prudential or global in...

The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?

  The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?   Prasad Rao, PhD, Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd;         The Precinct society is built around the consolidation of consumer-oriented, low-cost and efficient technologies in to the Precinct DY economy that Religion and the Mint find sub-serving their galactic & Sovereign goals, that employed Householders find appropriate to their family aspirations, and which are strategic to the objectives of Democratic Politics and Technology Markets. In most Religions, families constitute the basic societal unit. House Property is deemed the basic unit of Family Asset, and an inseparable element of Householder achievements. Hence, the Housing-centered society, and Housing-economy are of cognizance as much to Religion and Sociology, as they are to Policy and Markets. Houses are important for oth...