The 'Safe with AltKuz' Transport & Mobility Paradigm

 The 'Safe with AltKuz' Transport & Mobility Paradigm

Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD

Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd

Disclaimer: AltKuznets intends its ‘Safe with AltKuz’ proposal to be compatible in intents and outcomes, if not conforming of Public Safety Regulations. The proposal is meant exclusively for peacetime Public and Commercial applications. It claims its conception is publicly pareto & privately beneficial above and beyond all weather events, existing rules, regulations and restrictions. However, by the nature of the matter, Public Safety and Insurance is associated with moral hazard involving public and private risks of various degrees, risk aggregation, avoidance & transfers across time & location. It cautions clients and potential users of unforeseen complications that might, at times, force unintended consequences. AltKuznets expects changes to transport patterns & parameters and consequent impacts across transportation modes, societal groups and commerce. It does not permit frivolous tests, lean, or application of its copyrighted proposal, and will not be responsible for unintended or unforeseen outcomes consequent illegal applications of its strategy.


Safety, particularly in Human mobility and transport of goods, is of paramount interest to a society that is transportation-intensive, and which derives a significant share of its Employment and GDP from providing Transportation Services and Infrastructure. In a global society characterized by rapid increments to Income and spread of transportation network and services, the importance accorded Safety has incremented exponentially. Consequently, Safety in social and business pursuits has given rise to a large industry, an economy, even a society - whether in its supply, or anticipatory financial hedging in the form of Vehicle & Travel Insurance. AltKuznets offers an ingenious and universal market-based, AI-leveraged Safety-augmenting strategy that is applicable to all mobility-associated Durables, Vehicles and Crafts. Our strategy exploits cumulative public safety records privately, and facilitates Insurance firms their anticipatory Monetizes on risk events, even as it offers Public and Private entities the prospect of safely negotiating particularly risky travel/transport events.

Designing the Safety Bond – Collateral, Safe FV & Risk EV Cryptos

We envision a Prerogative- and Privilege re-dissolved, Cause Public- & Private AI-imbued ‘Super-Collateral’ FV-Gold Collateralized, multi-mode, Transport Safety Cause Bond that was further augmented with incremental records of Safety Events, Incidents & Advances, Safety Patents & Safety Investigations and Policy literature on Moral Hazard[1], Risk Avoidance & Substitutions. The Bond would be subscribed in Cause by Vehicle Manufacturers & Regulators, in OC by Owners/Operators of mode-differentiated Transport Assets, Insurers, Manufacturers, Contractors and Operators of those Crafts and Vehicles, in OB by User group, in Recalcitrant OE by Trader Mirror Group[2], and in Compliant OE by Public Machine Presence. Subscription to the Safety Bond would qualify Members to not only trade in Bond-issued instruments, but also apply the Public &/or Private AI that obtained from the Super-Collateral underlying the Bond.

Outcomes & Stakes

The ‘Safe with AlKuz’ strategy is incremental to, but conforming in intents with Transportation Safety Regulations. It has the potential to extend transportation safety to the risky margin where accidents and incidents are common across modes, and thus obtain incremental societal good. AltKuznets stakes a global Safety Consulting firm with regional Safety Bonds, Insurance affiliations and Trading facilities. It offers this Public Safety-enhancing strategy commercially to global land, water & aerial Transport Regulators & Insurance entities subject to our Disclaimer & Externalities noted above. Interested parties may contact the Director to explore commercial prospects.  


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