The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?


The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?


Prasad Rao, PhD, Director

AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd;




The Precinct society is built around the consolidation of consumer-oriented, low-cost and efficient technologies in to the Precinct DY economy that Religion and the Mint find sub-serving their galactic & Sovereign goals, that employed Householders find appropriate to their family aspirations, and which are strategic to the objectives of Democratic Politics and Technology Markets. In most Religions, families constitute the basic societal unit. House Property is deemed the basic unit of Family Asset, and an inseparable element of Householder achievements. Hence, the Housing-centered society, and Housing-economy are of cognizance as much to Religion and Sociology, as they are to Policy and Markets.

Houses are important for other reasons. Houses are the nurseries of society that nurture healthy & productive future citizens who assume various roles in society, business or politics. The Residential sector is a significant, even a primary determinant of the health of the Financial sector. Mortgages are a large financial market in themselves, as is the Construction Sector. House-associated Durables & Renovation and Decor LQ too are important supplements to the House-centered economy. The Housing sector is also a source of significant externalities, whether during construction, or in products and services applied in construction, renovation and demolition. For these and other reasons, Housing is as much a commercial and political sector, as it is a social institution. Consequently, Houses assume an importance unmatched by any other social institution.

Our model for Affordable Precinct Housing posits an 'Inter-Precinct DSM – InterMint FX’ construct wherein House ETFs and House Bonds, obtained at the ‘HousePE Monetize’, may be traded at the DSM-FX by Local & RoW Mints, and by various Precincts within the nation, to obtain Precinct Volatility Cumulates & House-specific Monetizes. Houses are issued differential ‘Asset ETFs’ and ‘Liability Bond’ units to reflect their Social credits and debits. Trades in House ETFs, HETFs, incentivize environmentally- and socially-beneficial Private and Public attributes that formulaically determine its NAV. Conversely, trades in ‘Sins & Wrongs House Bond Units’, HBUs, that are netted to obtain a Net NAV on HETF, are bidded up by RoW Mints & other Precincts. The formulaic NAV of HETFs & HBUs are hierarchically-cognizant, and hence accommodative of the Precinct House Pyramid. Houses receive interim Monetizes for Precinct Offers at various fractions of NAV, and an eventual monetize from RoW Nations upon equaling Nation-specific NAV benchmarks. Whereas interim Monetizes are negotiated, the eventual Monetize obtains with a 'Monetize Load' as determined by their Liability Bond Units. Upon purchase, the Buyer Precinct or RoW Nation obtains the House ETF Unit Capital, with a right to ZS Transfer or AO Copy the House PQ & LQ iota, and re-build the House at its Market-hierarchical position, thus adding to Precinct/RoW Society and its environmental-cum-socio economic potential, and incrementing in the long-run, Precinct Social attributes that count toward SGDP, GDP & FX. The Net NAV-based incentivizing & placement strategy induces competition amongst Houses to grow their hierarchical pyramid, invest with a Family-, Environmental- & Precinct Sustainability focus to raise their traded ETFNAV, and concomitantly pay away House Sins & Wrongs that might otherwise inflate HBU NAV, and increment the Monetizing Load. Such foresighted actions qualify the House for an Upper tier placement in an RoW Society, claim their 100%, and exit the trading market. Upon such graduation, the hierarchically-next House takes the ‘pole position’ to win its placement, thus obtaining a serially-incentivized Housing pyramid that links local and foreign Precincts. Whereas both, the Local and the RoW Mint, seek creditable Houses whose HETFs trade at high NAV – the former to shore up its Social FX Collateral, and the latter to pull worthy Houses away, Precincts seek HBUs to OB-Monetize on erring or failing Houses at the Inter-Precinct DSM. This Monetizing stricture incentivize Houses to focus on components of the VCSBI - Vice, Cognizables, Slavery, Bribery Index that besmirch a Precinct, and cause its Realty values to fall.

The strategy volunteers each Precinct Houses at the DSM-FX and obtains competitive monetization of Precinct funds against their Env. & Social Credits & Sin/Wrongs Debits. Consequent to such incentives & dis-incentives, Houses pay away their wrongs, and re-structure hierarchically in manner that turns them attractive to other Precincts and RoW Nations. Such market-incentivized restructuring obtains, beyond the financing of Affordable Housing for Precinct residents, the expansion of sustainable houses to other Precincts, positive Environmental and Social externalities that eventually could translate to gains in Realty values, and reflect at the FX as well. This AltKuznets strategy obtains a forward-looking, environmentally-and socially-sustainable global society that not only financies the growth of affordable Precinct housing, but is conducive to long-run and sustainable expansion of the Precinct DY society.

AltKuznets intends this (Affordable) Housing Proposal to be complementary to its ‘Green the Urban Concrete’ Schumpeterian Proposal, and invites enquiries and interests toward commercial possibilities.


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