A Market-based Resolution to Global Social Causes



Prasad Rao, PhD Director

AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd





The various Multi-lateral Institutions – IMF, GEF, IPCCC, WB, WHO, ILO, IMO, etc, that espouse long, prudential global causes linked to Human Society and its co-existence with Nature & Narnia, administer them thru various Governments, Affiliates and NGOs. They also lean on entities in the financial markets who design and administer Cause-specific analytical, rating and financial instruments. MLIs lean on such constructs as SDG Indicators, and cumulated/current Indicators of physical phenomena that reveal the extent of diffuse pollution, climate, or other social malaises and externalities, to guide remedial and administrative policies that achieve an eventual goal largely beyond the cognizance or planning horizon of Individuals, Commerce, Businesses, even one-term Political Governments. Consequently, such causes, when prudential or global in scope, are taken up by MLIs globally, else transferred to local NGOs as local externalities, or ignored as peculiar phenomena limited to a particular society or region. Yet other phenomena, such as trade-associated economic immeserization and associated social inequity, are inter-jurisdictional pecuniary externalities that are deemed ‘essential’ to the growth of a nation. Such externalities, when they cumulate across political cycles, bring about a highly-polarised society characterized by extreme income inequity, inflated prices for essentials, inflation in Gold prices, and weakening of the FX. Short of remedial policies, such societies fail politically, economically, or socially.  

In a society that faces competition for, if not scarcity of financial resources, human resources and political leadership, MLIs, and NGOs must anticipate trade-offs that limit their operations. This competition takes various forms - across MLIs, across nations, political preferences, peoples, the current vs the future, and the developed vs developing nations. These inter-MLI trade-offs cause a potential dissonance in the global context when they act short-sightedly in the private interest of their particular Cause to the exclusion of sister Causes. Short-sighted pursuit of a narrow cause could interrupt or delay the achievement of the various globally-prudential causes. Mis-allocation of resources across the various MLIs could force significant uncertainty, and loss of efficiency in achieving the Cause of the distressed Humanity.

Recognizing the global and inter-temporal significance of this issue, and the opportunity created by the IT revolution & CBDC regime[1] AltKuznets proposes a unifying strategy that focuses the multi-directional pursuits of global MLIs toward a larger, self-subscribed, amalgamated Super Cause. Our Strategy is quasi Market-based, and integrates MLIs with the Sovereign Mint and Political Coterie in each nation. Driven by incentives, the strategy induces Cause-seeking behaviour by all parties – MLIs, Sovereign Mints, members of Political Coterie, as well as Corporates, and obtains a globally-integrated multi-Cause optimum that is conducive to balanced global expansion, and hence appropriate for a ‘Dionysus Next Monetize’.

Our strategy leans on the attributes and facilities of FV Finance to conceive a global strategy that volunteers Sovereign Mints toward creating a pool of Cause FV Gold from which we obtain Abey-Akey-U (AAU) Collateral, Precinct Hedge CBDCs, and Super Cause CBDC ETFs. Our strategy encompasses all MLIs, and their specific Causes toward a Super Cause ETF, and permits MLIs the opportunity to fast-forward their Cause by bidding up and applying AAU privately to their Cause. The strategy integrates the Market with MLIs, and hence is compatible with both Social Equity and Cause Efficiency. Upon adoption and implementation, the strategy would radically re-structure the global MLI, Cause NGO & Interest Group landscape, integrate and generate Market capital for Market-investors in the pursuit of Sovereign/Humanity Causes, and obtain efficient achievement of multiple Causes on an expedited basis. It also has the potential to add to Precinct Scores and Corporate CSR scores.

AltKuznets intends to incorporate a global firm with this public welfare-enhancing Copyright-pending conception, and invites Investor Interest toward the same.

[1] The AltKuz CBDC AI-UMU FOE, May ‘23


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