An AltKuznets 'Sub-Nation' Strategy to resolve the Immeserizing Impacts of Nominal Growth Economy
Prasad Rao, PhD
One of the more significant issues in a Nominal Democracy is the nature of the ‘Compete Zero-sum’ it forces on both, the Real and the Nominal side of the Society. The Nominal Democracy, though incrementing of the Society, also forces Wealth-based divisions that exacerbate on account incessant Nominal inflation associated with economic expansions. Such inflation is destructive to the Placid LQ intents of Religion-Real members of society whose Incomes are less secure, and do not match the rise in prices of Essentials. Since the Nominal economy expands incessantly with Technological progress, such inflation could harm those ‘Religion-Real ZSed’ in the Society. The Labor-saving Technological automation further eviscerates Employment & Income opportunities. Over time and space, such extended & repeated disadvantage could dis-enfranchise large sections of the non-urban Population, leading to Revolt and Riots that cut in to societal security & economic growth. Lack of political salience could further exacerbate those differences in to demands for secession which could be injurious to the larger national context.
In this context, AltKuznets, having copyrighted[1] a Social strategy earlier, leverages the various Citizen-monetized IT & Digital Technologies, along with FV Finance, to propose a novel strategy that offers a tentative, Democracy-compliant, 2-state Solution conforming with the various Sovereign SGDP & SDG initiatives. Our Strategy addresses the shortcomings associated with the ZS-immeserizing nature of the Nominal economy. By anticipating and resolving those Nominal externalities on the Religion-Real, it also eases the expansion of the Nominal economy, which otherwise could face significant growth hiccups due interference by the Real.
Our Strategy
Our Strategy for the exacerbating ‘Religion-Real vs Nominal’ Divide is built around the strong Religion-Real constituency that characterizes Society beyond the Urban limits, consequent which elections turn divisive, and engender a Majority Religion Party. Such Majority Religion Party could, as revealed in past elections, even win the Ballot, prefer an Open Cycle economy, and enforce a reversal of policies enacted by the past Nominal Governments. Our Strategy acknowledges the potency of such Majority Religion Party, and leverages it with smaller Real districts in other States to form a virtual network of Religion-Real States & Districts within the larger Sovereign. The Religion-Real Virtual Network would negotiate a Social, Political & Financial Compact with the Nominal-driven Federal Coterie post each Election. This pact with the Nominal-aligned Federal Government would permit the RRVN to issue an internal Currency, $Real, in a lesser, even Odd-value denomination of the Sovereign Nominal Currency.
Group Salience, SIM APP & SIM
Administrator of the sub-Nation, comprised of digitally-subscribed 'Fitizens',
would be 'egalitarian-enforced' by its 'Religion-Real PQ Leader' (the One who
rose to the top of the PQ Pyramid with Group & 'Divine' support). As
indicated above, Fitizens would not Vote privately; they'd instead nominate
members to their Local Legislatures by broad consensus that overrode
dissenters. Instead, their Group PQ would be periodically volunteered by their
God or PQ Ombudsman in the manner indicated above. Personal Status PQ would be assessed
by the PQ Ombudsman, & revealed in Fitizen Mobile devices thru a mandatory
The SIM & Currency issued RRVN-subscribed Fitizens would, under this internal dual Real-Nominal Political compact, switch to an Alternate Phase ('PhaseX') across Precincts subscribed to Nominal Democracy & those subscribed the RRVN Sub-Nation. Fitizens subscribed to the RRVN Sub-Nation could seek the benefits of the SGDP Rights Economy issued them below a 'PQ Precinct Threshold'.
RRVN FX & Prices
SIMAPP-enabled, QR-scanned Real prices would apply to those aligned Religion-Real, and who are 'PQ-Eligible' for the Rights Economy-subsidies. Prices of goods and services in the sub-Nations, denominated in $Real, would dichotomise across Real & Nominal Districts, and potentially vary with dynamic ‘Fitizen’ PQ above the Precinct PQ Benchmark (while those below the Benchmark are issued their Rights Shares with no regard Prices). The RRVN Currency Exchange, 'PhaseX', relative the Nominal Currency, would adjust with demand for the $Real associated with transactions for Goods & Services that originate within the Real Sub-Nation. The IT-enabled voluntary choice of 'Term PhaseX' either annually, or within a month of election of a new Government, obtains a long-run arbitrage between the Religion-Real sub-Nation & the Nominal Democracy it is subscribed to. A Reversal of Religion-Real Fitizen back in to Nominal Citizen-status would, however, require a 'Precinct FV Status Egalitarian Slice Monetize' (?)
this strategy anticipates the re-emergence of a Landlord LQ Group aligned ZS AO to a Landlord
Mirror Royalty PQ Group,
consequence which the RRVN would reflect an internal PQ Balance that corresponded
to the guarantee of PQ Equal Band Status under Democracy. This PQ Balance
would be crucial in the transmission of Issue Saliences, and in the internal administration
of the RRVN Sub-Nation.
To Close …
Our strategy is permitting of a Religion-Real sub-Nation within a Technology-led Nominal Democracy. It facilitates faster economic growth in line with global technological pursuits and FX competition. Albeit engendering of LQ Landlord hierarchy that necessitates an internal Mirror PQ Landlord Group, it attenuates social divisions consequent Technology-leveraged, market-forged, unbalanced economic growth. It leverages ubiquitous Financial Paradigms & Software and FV-Finance principles to obtain RRVN Monetizes, a $Real, and issues a Rights economy associated with an SGDP Rights economy, thus offering the impenured section of the Society the prospect of a life in Dignity that avoided economic immeserization forced by the Nominal paradigm.
offers this subscription-based strategy for evaluation to the Nations of the
Group Salience obtains as a sum
of Issue Salience preferred by Fitizens, as weighted by their PQ & Numbers.
It is relayed thru the RRVN Ombudsman to the Administrator.
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