
Showing posts from 2021

Real Prerogatives, Nominal Democracy, and ….. Social Sustainability?

  Real Prerogatives, Nominal Democracy, and ….. Social Sustainability?     Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors   *********************Email  for a pdf   *********** It’s a wonderful world they say… perhaps a fantastic Universe too. But the Universe is all of 9 Dimensions, so how do we reconcile the Nominal Democracy that operates in the 3G3D space around us? This apparently, is an esoteric issue that bears no relevance to the Sustainability theme that AltKuznets is staked in… or is it? Most all of us are aware Sustainability is dichotomized in to the Environmental and the Social. And Social Sustainability is all about Democracy and Egalitarian Rights. How then do we reconcile the 9D Galactic with Religion-Real, and the Real-Religion with the Nominal Democracy that operates in the 3G3D? And how could we ensure Citizens of the Nominal Democracy turn in their Real Status-sourced Prerogatives to get the wheel of Democracy mov

Green the Urban Concrete Jungle? A Sustainable Construction Proposal

Prasad Rao, MTech PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors   Click here for the Biz Sales Office   Construction – both Residential and Commercial, is a primary economic sector worldwide that, beyond adding to the Nation’s GDP, contributes to societal growth, adds value to Businesses, and generates employment. Despite those credentials, the Construction Sector bears the burden of contributing to significant environmental externalities across the spectrum of its inputs, construction-associated pollution, and demolition waste. Construction figures prominently in Climate-change debate and policy priorities for reasons its share in the economic pie, and the externality-intensiveness of income-incremented upgrades to Property assets. In response, Governments worldwide have adopted the ‘Green Building Code’ [1] to incentivize Property Builders and Developers to increment environmental sustainability of their operations. While such Code is legislated and incentivized with

Network Closed-Cycle Conformance....

Network Closed-Cycle Conformance…. (…to Upgrade your PE!) Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Click here for the Biz Sales Office For decades, the Capital markets that valued Firm Equities, focussed unvaryingly on expanding Markets, Sales Volumes, Revenues and Profits. Then came Costs, Innovation and Industry Concentration. Other determinants of Market valuation, ratios and measures followed – Net Reserves, Tax Efficiency, Ad Effectiveness, Investor Awareness, so on and so forth. Sustainability took a back seat, and when it come in to focus, it leaned more to the Social than Environmental Sustainability. In other words, more of Corporate Social Responsibility and the less of Climate Change. It is indeed fortuitous that Governments, with a longer foresight due the responsibility of ensuring the safety and sustainability of its people, invested in R&D that yielded the Renewable Technologies of the day. However, and despite the various Renewab

An FV Finance-mediated Recycling Policy: A Proposal

An FV Finance-mediated Recycling Policy: A Proposal Prasad Rao, MTech PhD. ,  Director A ltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Purchase a PDF Copy from AltKuznets Biz Sales Office I ntroduction T he global Nominal economy, with price-based competition and PE-based arbitrages in the Capital markets, has cumulated externalities in all three media. And though much attention focuses on Climate Change and its all too evident manifestations in Polar Melting, Forest Fires and Floods, the enlarging landfills of Plastics and other wastes are just as significant a concern for their multifarious impacts on Humanity and beyond . Conventional non-market and market-policies have had a limited impact on the enlarging crisis, and it is opportune to seek more drastic, innovative policies facilitated by technological progress in other fields, notably. The Recycling Market Recycling has assumed significant proportions in econom ies where competition implies

Leveraging Household Consumption to Upgrade Firm PE

Leveraging Household Consumption to Upgrade Firm PE       Prasad Rao, Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd   Click here for AltKuznets Biz Sales Office Introduction The economy of the past, characterized by volumes, prices, costs, taxes, and profit margins, sales-based competition has by and large, turned less important as a new economy, characterized by monetizations, multiple currencies, hedges and insurances, as well as Sustainability performance and Product niches takes centre stage. The new economy runs on different rules – rules that the Equity Market seemingly doesn’t mind, even is comfortable with. Finance has taken precedence of fundamental economic parameters. This new economy is characterized by global competition for CC Capital that is arbitraged through the PE multiple at which the EPS of competing Growth firms are negotiated and traded. Large FIIs, Mutual funds & Pension Funds, Sovereign Funds, and Sector Interests might arbitrage


POLITICAL BOND-MEDIATED TECHNOLOGY & POLICY HEDGES (plus Political Support for NSI Monetization!)   Prasad Rao, Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd   Click here to buy a Copy from the AltKuznets Biz Office It is often the case that a Sector witnesses a technological revolution in a short period of time, and those innovations and technologies are promoted through multiple Design & Policy alternatives. Those Policy alternatives [1] compete with each other not only on basis Cause, Scale, Efficiency and Returns, but also their compatibility with Political regimes that may or may not eventually favour the technologies for reasons the social, technological & policy preferences of the People, and the Equity-Efficiency:Risk-Return imbalance. Consequently, certain innovative technologies and associated Designs & Policies might be benched across years, even decades until the Political regime switches. Further, it coul

This Proposal solves the 'Punarjanma' Problem !

It’s Time for Branded, Certified ‘Green CC’ Power Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Click here to purchase a Legal Copy from the AltKuz Biz Office The Electricity Sector is an overwhelmingly large entity with innumerable Renewable and Non-Renewable Generators, Transmission & Distribution Networks, and indeed the last-mile, customer-centric Power Retailers that serve Consumers, be they Households, Government and Commercial entities or Businesses. Gone are the days of Monopoly. Regulators the world over, backed with legislative intent, have enforced divestment of large Power Utilities in to smaller, competitive Generators and Distributions. These divestments have created large regional networks administered and operated either by quasi-regulatory entities, or elsewhere, by a consortium of Suppliers and Consumers. Today, the Electricity Market is significantly more competitive and dyna

Your Cup of Tea !

POLITICAL BOND-MEDIATED TECHNOLOGY & POLICY HEDGES (plus Political Support for NSI Monetization!) Prasad Rao, Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd Purchase a copy from the AltKuz Biz Office Who hasn't heard of 'Sovereign Compact-War Bonds'**  participated in by two or more nations toward the politically-moderated financial resolution of their bilateral or multi-lateral differences? Internal Democracy, however, is just as important as peace and friendly relations with neighboring nations. That internal democracy obtains when the Majority, comprising of Precinct permanent residents, despite its numbers, voluntarily accepts democracy-enforced egalitarian rights through free and fair elections, and turns in its Real prerogatives on Minorities and Immigrants over to the democratically-elected Government. The Government, post eliciting the preferences and votes from the society, applies a larger social and political logic to enac
Democratic Enslavement – They Voted for it.....Eew bought it! Prasad Rao, MSc, MTech(IIT KGP), MS, (PhD PennState) Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist Evernote: gprao  For centuries immemorial, Religion held a vice-like grip on masses. Families led a sedate life, growing children and corn, interrupted either by pestilence, or the curse of religious and territorial wars. Then came the Industrial Revolution, followed in the centuries after by, on one hand, Democracy, and on the other, the Nominal economic paradigm. The rule of Democracy found a ready and willing partner in the Nominal paradigm that extended the Industrial Revolution in to a technologically-progressive society. Technology alleviated the living standards of the masses as Productivity and Income gains permitted the Society to enlarge sustainably. All seemed well between the hullabaloo of Elections, and Bulls on the Market street – Religion incantations notwithstanding!  Then came the Technology Overdrive, and the fe