Your Cup of Tea !


(plus Political Support for NSI Monetization!)

Prasad Rao, Director

AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd

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Who hasn't heard of 'Sovereign Compact-War Bonds'**  participated in by two or more nations toward the politically-moderated financial resolution of their bilateral or multi-lateral differences? Internal Democracy, however, is just as important as peace and friendly relations with neighboring nations. That internal democracy obtains when the Majority, comprising of Precinct permanent residents, despite its numbers, voluntarily accepts democracy-enforced egalitarian rights through free and fair elections, and turns in its Real prerogatives on Minorities and Immigrants over to the democratically-elected Government. The Government, post eliciting the preferences and votes from the society, applies a larger social and political logic to enact rights and laws that are protective of all members of the society. 

The ground truth, however, is much different. The Majority, often rooted to their social network, lifestyle, and assets, and hence inflexible at reacting quickly, turn envious of opportunities Minorities leverage at personal or family cost to make their futures in quick time. That angst against Minorities turns a common denominator, agglomerates in to a Group phenomenon, and oppresses Precinct Minority or Immigrants - whether linguistic, inter-jurisdictional, or sourced in employment - in various ways that shrinks their status, potential and opportunities, - not merely locally, but even globally. The question then arises as to how we could solve infractions to Democracy-guaranteed egalitarian rights suffered by Minorities and Immigrants? This blog broaches a hybrid strategy that leverages the 'Sovereign Compact-War Bonds' on one hand, and 'Precinct Deep liened FV Gold' on the other, to propose a strategy that enforces a fundamental financial deterrent on erring Precincts, and induces them to either cooperate and return to democracy, or be reduced out of the future financially .

Lets, to start with, consider a less than ideal state of affairs. The Majority Group in an internal State or Precinct within a Nation, and despite participating in Democratic elections, holds back Real Prerogatives from the Ballot box, and instead imposes those Prerogatives on the voting Minority citizens. Consequently, discriminated Minorities and immigrants, despite participating in democratic elections, and despite implicitly sponsoring egalitarian (Infrastructure) monetizes, are forced to suffer the excesses of the Majority. Such politically-excused discrimination, victimization and exploitation, that brazenly thwarts the intent of law, and subjugates Minorities in every sphere of life is a blot on Democracy. It deserves to be taken cognizance of, strictured until a deterrent, and resolved toward a larger Democratic society. The bilateral or multi-lateral 'Sovereign Compact-War Bonds' offers a convenient, even an appropriate forum to resolve internal schisms that might unravel a democratic society. 

Now, if a Democratic Nation participated in a Sovereign Compact with Neighboring nations, the same could be leveraged with internal Precincts submitting their FV-liened Deep Gold as 'Volatility Buffers' to trades in War Bonds at the Compact. There'd, conceivably, be many States or Precincts that compete to sponsor or buffer trades at the Sovereign Compact in the hope of correcting their long-run future, and insuring the same in the larger context of the Bond. Alternatively, the Sovereign Bond Administrator could, either for reasons the spillover of internal Majority-Minority dissensions to other nations, or at the instance of a neighboring nation that takes exception to Minority/Immigrant persecution, 'call' on that Precinct's 'Aadhar Deep Democracy Lien FV Gold - LSB Shallow ZS Precinct-Vega Stricture PV Volatility Gold', and have it placed as a Volatility Buffer in trades of War Bonds. That 'Deep Lien FV-Vega Stricture PV Gold', with a record of deviations and excesses from a 'democratic ideal' as enshrined in the Constitution, when either 'volunteered' to, or 'called' by the Compact, would induce and perpetuate Volatility at the Compact at Precinct Public Cost. Opposite- or inimically-aligned participating nations in the Compact would exploit the volatility to their pecuniary advantage until a deterrent was perceived by the erring Precinct, responding to which infractions to Democracy were resolved pro-actively. Crucially, that Volatility exploit would obtain a reduction in Sovereign War Risk as well.

The Strategy, by calling on 'Precinct Deep Liened FV Gold', and exploiting infractions to Social Democracy toward Sovereign Compact Volatility, forces Precinct Governments to secure Minority and Immigrant Rights lest its future-protective Gold shrink in volume. Sensitive to their long Precinct futures, members of the Majority too would turn in their Real prerogatives at the Ballot Box, and align with Democratic principles. A conforming internal Precinct would suffer minimum Volatility losses at the Compact, and be advantaged with the resolution of its long future. Conversely, a Precinct with significant deviations from the ideal Majority-Minority relationship under a Democracy, would be forced to underwrite the 'Stricture Volatility' at the Sovereign Compact. Over a period of time, conforming Precincts would turn Democracy havens for Nominal business even as they retain their Deep FV-liened Gold, while non-conforming Precincts would have suffered a reduction in their Deep FV Gold, and an exit of Democracy-contingent Nominal Capital that must lean on Minorities and Immigrants to keep its competitive edge. The 2-pronged incentive, to avoid Deep Gold losses on one hand, and attract Democracy-contingent Nominal Capital on the other, would force Precincts (States) to conform with Democratic egalitarian principles, level the Opportunity field for all its citizens - Majority Minority, or Immigrants, and thus obtain an evolved Democracy conducive to faster, more efficient growth of the Nominal economy.

No War, Social Equity, and Nominal Opportunity! Ain't that your Cup of Tea?

**: issued by the Bullion as 'FX Volatility Mirror Bakey BV' against '3rd Party-Referee Collateral Gold' and which operates under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Referee would decide the initial endowment and bilateral division of War Bonds.


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