Democratic Enslavement – They Voted for it.....Eew bought it!

Prasad Rao, MSc, MTech(IIT KGP), MS, (PhD PennState)

Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist

Evernote: gprao 

For centuries immemorial, Religion held a vice-like grip on masses. Families led a sedate life, growing children and corn, interrupted either by pestilence, or the curse of religious and territorial wars. Then came the Industrial Revolution, followed in the centuries after by, on one hand, Democracy, and on the other, the Nominal economic paradigm. The rule of Democracy found a ready and willing partner in the Nominal paradigm that extended the Industrial Revolution in to a technologically-progressive society. Technology alleviated the living standards of the masses as Productivity and Income gains permitted the Society to enlarge sustainably. All seemed well between the hullabaloo of Elections, and Bulls on the Market street – Religion incantations notwithstanding! 

Then came the Technology Overdrive, and the feverish migration of the technologically-skilled to advanced nations spearheading the technological revolution. Migration is almost synonymous with entry of Minorities -  Linguistic, Cultural, and Nominal Economic. In fact, Minorities constitute even the enlarging frontier of societies globally. But just as a bountiful crop attracts locust, so does the exploding Nominal its detractors – whether in the Majority, or worse, in the very Rich it buttresses or expands. No, they don’t forage on Minority Matzos. Instead, they pull the Carpet on something as essential as breath – their Freedom. Freedom that permitted Minorities to migrate in to other societies and nations, freedom that fostered assurance they could grow a family, assurance that they’d be recompensed should they be robbed of their deservings and earnings. Freedom to engage in simple pleasures of life – wake up at one’s free will on a weekend, converse in their tongue even in public, sing aloud oblivious of any neighbour on a Sunday morning, .............and watch a movie of their tongue no matter where or when. 

But whither that Freedom? 

Notwithstanding a participatory democracy, and a public capital market, and despite the norm members of the Precinct Majority should ‘deposit’ their public Prerogatives and private Privileges in to the Ballot Box to obtain a fiduciary-supplemented right to govern, there is flagrant violation of that code in practice, no matter whether the ostensibly developed, or the developing world. For Social and Economic and Technological reasons, the Minorities, and particularly so the Technology (Minority) Migrants are significantly more adaptable and flexible than members of the Majority who, as long-term settlees, must be incentivized significantly more to desert their socially-networked and nominally-convenienced lifestyle. As it happens, the Pandemic has dovetailed and reinforced IT-advances to shrink Technology Migration, perhaps to the point it has turned moot since. Even so, Technology Minorities have gained an upper hand in well-paying Technology firms and have migrated upward in the societal pyramid much to the chagrin of the permanent society. The fact local or foreign Minorities enter the society with little cognizance of societal disruptions they might cause does not excuse Majority envy when emergent Technology sectors import foreign technical talent to fuel their expansion. Thankfully, most emergent Technology firms are sited in multi-cultural cities that have adopted a nominally-attuned ‘Bullion Pareto Society’. The ‘Bullion Pareto Society’ accommodates both the Dividend Yield-served Permanent (Majority) settlees and the Frontier-economy-attached Technology Minorities. 

One often hears the insinuation the Minority leans on the Majority. Contrary to this presumption, the Minority are essential to the expansion of the Technological society. Societies that opened their arms to Minority immigration have forged ahead in the economic race fostered by technological innovation. Minority Businesses bring diversity, democratize the society and turn the society more open and receptive to Tourists. In certain societies, Minorities are known to issue egalitarian Monetizations even if they happen verily to be the last penny in them. In other words, they underwrite the Precinct Budget, at times even the Landlord Monetization of Social Prerogatives. Such being the case, Minorities would be sought toward both social reconstitution and economic progress. Instead, and due the David-Goliath numerical, proportions, they turn victims to risk distribution/assignment, and are interrupted and robbed of social offers and economic opportunities. 

A particular fallacy in these days of Lockdowns is the presumption one’s experiences are universally the experience elsewhere. And so it is that when I face a particular facet of Minority discrimination, I mis-presume it is universally the fact. Pardon me, it must be so else, am I the only victimized in these pandemic times? More to the point, surely, I am not the only one victimized with a ‘you cannot enjoy’ admonition - an admonition heard day in, day out, even by the hour and the passing of a two-wheeler – no matter up or down? And why’d members of the Majority (or, is it those paid Open Cycle Enslaver stooges) insist you do not sleep, and enforce the same with shocks and jerks should you fall asleep? Surely, it ain’t Black Magic? 

I fail to understand what remains of Life and freedom between the Neighbor-enforced ‘You cannot sleep’ and Majority-risk hastened ‘You cannot enjoy’. Does this happen for real? In a Democracy? That you voted for? Yes, and I am personally both the witness and the tortured. In a Majority-infested society that bought the Open Cycle ‘Nix the Green’ deal, it is convenient to gang up on Minorities, obstruct their day-to-day life, interrupt their work, and harangue them until they prefer to either comply with the Majority, or exit to where they themselves are the Majority. And if Religion is more a Majority Convenience than a divinely-administered restraint on their behavior, and Politics too strategic a channel to even take cognizance of the issue, far less address it, imagine then the plight of Minorities caught between their pride, duties to the family and the hostility around. 

Why’d the Majority, no matter where, accept an egalitarian Constitution that guaranteed equal rights, and then subvert the same leaning on Religion, and its own Numerosity? Didn’t they, at the Ballot Box, agree to deposit your Real prerogatives and Majority Privileges in return for a Government with powers to promulgate rules convenient to the Majority, even issue Passport and Currency? Didn’t the Minorities shore up the sale value of your Townhouses that didn’t sell prior the Visa relaxation? And was it not Minority nurses who returned your sick relative back to health? Why then would the Majority, despite its own Power, Authority and Numerosity, grudge the rapid rise of Minorities with the Nominal paradigm. And why....pardon, what are Gods that plead helplessness in policing their ilk? What could they be seeking for their Majority minions?

A Minority Exodus from the ‘Bullion Pareto Society’? 


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