
Legalize Electoral, Governance & Political Corruption?

Legalize Electoral, Governance & Political Corruption? Prasad Rao ;; Evernote: gprao Click  here  for a pdf The Context Elections are not just in the news, the media is thick with it, and the soundwaves are jamming our 4G-hot, rock’n roll ‘Play’ videos! India is once again host to the grand show – bigger than the Kumbh or the IPL TV audience, and rivalling any other mass gathering, even globally. But this column is not about how, or why these elections are portrayed as ‘Vote-now-for-your-Diwali-tomorrow’ event. It’s about the financial ethics behind this constitutional requirement that empowers citizens of this country to elect their Political Government for another term. Running a successful pan-India campaign to elect 545 representatives to the Lower House is not an everyday task, even if that event is administered and financed in part by the purportedly independent Election Commission of India. The stakes are s

There ain’t no way to ever snarl the ‘Commons Hydra’ Psst: There is!

Prasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist ; Click here for the pdf Introduction Externalities generated in the global Nominal economy transcend space, time and media, even spill over to social and economic contexts. These externalities are either immediate and acute such as are safety accidents – whether at or away from production centers, diffuse such as the global buildup of ambient CO2 concentrations over time, distributed and fugitive such as emissions from the transportation sector, inter-media and inter-jurisdictional as exemplified by criteria pollutants from point sources, and discharge of industrial effluents and household sewage in to rivers, or remotely cumulating as are NIMBY solid waste dumps. Initiatives such as SESH Bonds well-known externality-correcting instruments that accompany the political management of nominal economic growth. These instruments have, on one hand, concentrated on externalities that limit econ

Excuse’ Moi? An Economist’s Version of Environmental Pardon, Social Opportunity (& Religious Retribution !)

GangaPrasad Rao, MTech, MS (PhD PennState) Energy, Environmental & Mineral Economist; Abstract & Disclaimer: This manuscript outlines a finance-strategy that has the potential to reign in Consumption pareto with Cycle strategies of the Nominal economy. It offers Businesses and Consumers compatible incentives to dovetail their activities, and obtain a society that is environmentally-prudent. The proposal adds an unconventional twist by permitting a Religion Bond to compensate the SESH Bond for the Externality Charges cumulated by Consumers, in return for ‘Inter-life RoW Next’ Processes. The proposal concludes, post suggesting an ‘Externality-Zeroing’ option, with a word of caution on the possibility of exploitation of informal social-religious trade-offs against the environment. As always, all commendations mine, all inconsistencies & errors yours to avoid ! For a pdf, click here Introduction Economics is an

Religion Economy and the Global Nominal Society

Prasad Rao #Honest2God, I am an Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist. Factually! Print a PDF Introduction The Nominal paradigm is ever so incestuously twined with Technology and Politics, that not many perceive how it interacts with another behemoth from times immemorial – Religion. If Politics is the art of leveraging People's Private Preferences to rule on their behalf, Religion is the science of manipulating Public Conscience. Religion as an institution has existed and evolved for millenia. Today, and notwithstanding the Non-Denominational, ND group, Religion holds sway over an overwhelming majority in the peoples of various societies. Its history is as much interspersed with religious institutions, awe-inspiring structures and grand festivals, as it is marked by acts of violence, wars, and cruel torture. Religion, in its role as either a friend or foe of the Royalty , has influenced political rule in various continents for centuries. In fact, Religion verily shaped t

Kraemer Vs Kramer - The Environmental & the Social

Kraemer Vs Kramer - The Environmental & the Social ( A Transaction-centered Paradigm for Aural Sustainability Capital and Global Externality Resolution ) GangaPrasad Rao, MSc, MTech, MS, (PhD) Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; Disclaimer : No two Architects would ever come up with the same design; the global macro-economic - macro-environmental paradigm presented here is but one vision of the ‘ vasudhaiva kutumbakam ’!  Gold Markets, Beware ! All errors and omissions, unless induced by social activity around, are indeed mine. Click here for the pdf:  KraemerPDF Introduction It doesn’t take an avid social observer to perceive the atrocit… err, the strategies that the Nominal adopts, in a conspiracy with the Political apparatus, to enlarge its capital returns at the expense of the gullible masses. When sustainable and efficient technology comes at a high price, or even otherwise, Capitalists do not mind the less effi

The Politics and Economics of Government Spending

The Politics and Economics of Government Spending GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; ; Evernote: gprao   For a Docx manuscript,  Click here For a PDF manuscript, Click here Government Spending within a Broader Context A Government that rules a politically-demarcated society draws upon broad public support as expressed through a Public Ballot to administer the sovereign nation. The Ballot publicly empowers the Government to protect the sovereign and the rights of its peoples, invest in beneficial social and economic pursuits, and promote/engage in opportunistic export/infrastructural investments. Government Spending is a vague term that encompasses the many investments, budgets, projects, spends and subsidies undertaken by the Government. These have multiple sources and pertain to different purposes and lengths – Prudential lines to ensure Sovereign Security, RoW MDG Long lines that seek glob