Excuse’ Moi? An Economist’s Version of Environmental Pardon, Social Opportunity (& Religious Retribution !)

GangaPrasad Rao, MTech, MS (PhD PennState)
Energy, Environmental & Mineral Economist
gprao64.blogspot.com; gprasadrao.blogspot.com

Abstract & Disclaimer: This manuscript outlines a finance-strategy that has the potential to reign in Consumption pareto with Cycle strategies of the Nominal economy. It offers Businesses and Consumers compatible incentives to dovetail their activities, and obtain a society that is environmentally-prudent. The proposal adds an unconventional twist by permitting a Religion Bond to compensate the SESH Bond for the Externality Charges cumulated by Consumers, in return for ‘Inter-life RoW Next’ Processes. The proposal concludes, post suggesting an ‘Externality-Zeroing’ option, with a word of caution on the possibility of exploitation of informal social-religious trade-offs against the environment.

As always, all commendations mine, all inconsistencies & errors yours to avoid !

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Economics is an esoteric Science...or is it Art? For what is practised, or as is the fashion, monetized out of use and practice, is, not infrequently, quite different from what is taught in undergrad and graduate classes. Tax an externality, but say nothing about where it’d cumulate, or who’d remedy the damages. Just as irrationally, proclaim the irreversible externalities associated with consumption of certain ‘goods’, but tax them an incremental penny a year at the margin, so the income effect overwhelms the frivolous reaction to that tax, and negates the raison d’etre of the tax. Increment fuel economy of externality-generating activities, but at a pace that growth in consumption remains unaffected, or at worse, is stable. Introduce externality-free technologies in the market, albeit with Nominal ZS Capital, and worse, only in the ‘Mirror’ or ‘Follow’ of the existing superstructure of the externality-generating heirarchically-enforcing global CC pyramid. Is it any wonder then, that the externality-exacerbating Nominal economy continues to proliferate uninterrupted abetted by the Per-capita LQ paradigm? Such half-hearted, half-baked and entirely conspiratorial policies have brought about a globally-divisive and polarized society that has been numbed to the slow & diffused, or remotely-concentrated externalities growing upon them. As those externalities come to roost in garbage dumps, global plastic pollution, global warming & sea-level rises, humidity increments and the like, it turns necessary to devise fundamentally different strategies that anticipate and attenuate externalities before they turn a crisis upon humanity and animal life. This blog broaches an unconventional, but effective strategy that pro-actively involves and confronts every societal member with incentives compatible with a sustainable FV society.


Excuse’? ….Or Almost !
The Nominal Paradigm relies on exploiting the Commons to offer Private Conveniences to its Consumers, if for the price of engendering slow-cumulating diffuse and remote Public Externalities to the long-run disadvantage of the society. Fractional taxation of products and services, at rates that seem consistent with the out-of-sight-out-of-mind nature of externalities, ensure Consumers who are lured and baited with incentives such as exchanges, sale, discounts and bulk offers, do not perceive the diffused and remote nature of externalities, or do not care about them until they cumulate, and turn crises. The Nominal paradigm has a vested interest in permitting the cumulation of externalities in to crises so it may exploit the heightened WTP in a future period to exploit and aggrandize of its own follies with CC-Externality-remediation technology. This ‘Early Blue Cake-Late Green Icecream’ strategy divides and exploits the society by eviscerating the ‘Real’ and despoiling the Commons to the irreversible advantage of the Privates and the Politically-connnected.

(The encapsulation of the design in to an ‘App’ that could be installed on, and operated from the hand-held devices of the multitudes of Consumers, significantly enhances its efficacy. Combining a design that optimizes outcomes at a personal and aggregate tier, with a hand-held software that permits ready access, continuous monitoring and therefore full information on the quantity and quality of consumption, expenditures, & environmental charges, and which facilitates evaluation of alternative Religious/Social/Consumer strategies, ensures Citizens are always aware, well-informed, and hence anticipating in their responses. This bodes well for the success of the design.)

This proposal anticipates sustainability-ruining mal-incentives that pervade the Nominal paradigm, and offers an ingenious, if tentative strategy to resolve them. It relies on consumer information, foresight, expectations as regards retaining a larger fraction of the start-of-year Prudence Lumpsum endowed them under lien. The facility to monitor and track externalities, and control Consumption over the year obtains an end-of year lumpsum that encourages Consumer prudence with concomitant public environmental gains and personal social pay-offs. By offering a start-of-year Lumpsum that vests end-of-year conditional on, and proportional to conformance with SESH sustainability principles, the strategy incentivizes endogenous realignment of consumer choices along both, quantity and quality dimensions, and obtains significant gains in environmental efficiency of production and consumption pareto with larger Political-Nominal strategies. Appending a Green-Kamkey ‘social favor’ to the Private-Prudence PV sharpens personal incentives, and is likely to encourage compliance with the design, and obtain desired outcomes.

In an unconventional tactic, externality taxes attached to Consumption are turned voluntary until year-end, at which point they turn payable whether in person, or by proxy. This strategy permits the Recalcitrant Right its ‘escape’ from subscribing to an inimical agenda. Such members of the society may instead offer various aphysical-social/religious processes in lieu of paying the Externality Charge. In such instances, the Religion Cause Bond steps in with voluntary negotiations around social set-offs for the transfer and proxy-payment of cumulative externality dues either by the Religion-Member, or by the Bond itself. The strategy, beyond obtaining significant reductions in Consumption, punishes those SESH-indiligent with a loss of a social favor, and burdens them with a social price to pay within and/or across lives, thus ensuring a significant, irreversible, within- and inter-life cost of indiscriminate consumption.

The strategy to distinctly partition involuntary General taxes from voluntary Externality taxes, and trade-off cumulated Environmental Charges against Individual WTP and Social/Religious resolutions, not only expands the domain of trade-offs, appeases the Recalcitrant Right in the society, permits within- and across-life social ‘RoW Next’ resolutions, and ensures uninterrupted funds to the SESH Bond, but also permits the SESH Bond an option to levy a Religion Bond Group WTP-funded ‘externality-zeroing’ tax, rather than play along with a politically-strategized tax that merely dovetails with a ‘Real (Short) Compromise-Nominal (Long) Optimum’. For this reason too, the proposed strategy is an expedient answer to externalities that persist, even enlarge for the temporal cancellation of the impacts of marginal tax increments against consumption gains from the Income effect.

In what is potentially a salient advantage, the design proposed here, operates synergistically with the Transaction-based, Aural-correcting, Dividend Yield PerCapita Economy presented in an earlier Blog. If that blog proposed a Production economy-based solution to Nominal externalities mediated through the GX-Bullion, this proposal offers a Consumer-focussed solution to the same. Administered together, the two have the potential to bring about a significantly more efficient resolution of SESH externalities engendered by the Nominal paradigm, secure a finely-differentiated socio-economy that is more efficient for adoption of the mirrored Producer-Consumer environmental strategy, which is equitable to Consumers, Producers and Investors, and which offers significant social, and inter-life (religion-issued) negotiating opportunities to members of Society. Though fraught with informality and uncertainty, the extension of PV economic trade-offs to the FV Social and Religious context, highlights environmental, social and religious principles that guide long-run within- and across-life decision-making.


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