The AltKuznets Portable Gender Land Rights Strategy


The AltKuznets Portable

Gender Land Rights Strategy 













Copyright Docket: 952/2024-CO/L





Disclaimer: AltKuznets is a GST-enrolled, MCA-registered Private, Liability-limited firm headed by a DIN-issued PhD Director. AltKuznets prefers to interact & transact either directly, or thru its pre-accredited Associates. Its copyrighted, IPR-protected products are in the form of outcome-focused designs & proposals that predict, but do not guarantee outcomes, or returns. AltKuznets claims absolute and perpetual ownership rights to its products, ideas and derivatives in all forms globally, and intends to vigorously protect its IPR, Copyright Rights in all contexts and spheres of activity within and beyond its registered jurisdiction. AltKuznets inures itself from social, legal and financial consequences of unintended, unapproved, or illegal application of its products, and its associated ramifications. It’d, subject to its Terms & Conditions posted on its Business Website,, negotiate these rights confidentially as contextually appropriate, to issue a mutually-acceptable tailored set of IPR Rights to its Business Clients.





Table of Contents



Introduction. 3

Gender Rights & Sponsorships. 4

Public & Private Rights to Land. 5

The Justification for, & Nature of Gender Land Rights Units, GLRUs. 5

Issue of GLRUs. 8

The Benefits of GLRU Portability. 9

Trading in GLRUs. 9

Leveraging GLRUs. 12

Private Gender Next Offer Vs Public City Next Tier 13

Recap & Discussion. 14




Gender has been the Policy focus of many Democratic Governments across decades. That salience has since been elevated to the global stage with the same accorded prominence in various policy fora, as evident in the UN-WB SDG Agenda. Gender issues are inextricably linked with Social, Health, Educational and Political opportunities. Further, Land, House/Family and Gender have been as much an issue in the Society as the differentiation of Social Status & Livelihood Opportunities[1]. Different societies have adopted varied rules to govern the distribution of Land in the Social PQ Hierarchy and among Gender members of Houses. Religion-dominated societies are typically also male-dominated with males favoured with Land Rights and Livelihood options, with females cast in to lesser domestic & familial roles. Other, societies more open to Technology and open borders have preferred a more equitable distribution of those rights, leading to significantly more social mobility and gender participation in the economy. In the modern globalised economy, gender participation is strongly correlated with economic growth, and economic growth with (Technology and) FX, thus obtaining a correlation between Gender Equality and a Nation’s standing relative other nations.

 Land has served as the primary fixed asset around which the society was built. That Land, whether for agriculture or residential purposes, forced Owners including and particularly Gender members tied to Land-associated lesser tasks, thus reducing their mobility and opportunities within life & across lives. Agrarian and Landlord Societies too were reduced to a static economy with little external interaction. The advent of Technology-advanced Nominal economy, IT & Finance, has brought about a revolution that only digitized fixed assets and incremented their fungibility in trade, but also emancipated the Gender society and freed them of their shackles to House, Family & Land.

 AltKuznets has obtained a copyright for its 3-pronged Affordable-Green-LQ Housing Design that leverage a Social Cause to obtain quantum increments to Environmental and Social Sustainability. This under-copyright proposal adds a Land & Gender element to the 3-pronged strategy, thus embellishing AltKuznets offerings in Land & Realty Sector.


Leveraging GLRUs

AltKuznets offers an unparalleled opportunity to leverage Precinct GLRUs in to multiple social gains and economic advantages. Precincts that pro-actively participate in remediating Global and Local Externalities, and which solve Gender-associated Social externalities obtain a distinct FV advantage over other Precincts.   

 We may, in the context of the SDG Agenda, apply the GLRU-associated productive utilization of Commons Land and Gender emancipation, toward incrementing PBOUs[2]. AltKuznets, in its seminal FinTech strategy[3], has proposed a PBOU-earned, Long-FX Steps strategy that consolidates Precinct DY Sustainability gains in to an SDR-Gold backed ‘FX Cushion’. Such FX Cushion, held with the Political Coterie, may first be leveraged to sustainably strengthen the Sovereign Currency, and thereafter applied to promote Nominal Trade by weakening the same. Our Strategy applies GLRUs to first obtain an SDR-Gold transformable SDG leverage, and thence a political & economic leverage to the Sovereign that it could leverage advantageously to gain short-run Trade advantage, intermediate-run political leverage and long-run Mint gain.

 AltKuznets also suggests GLRUs count toward Gender Legacy BV, reducing which obtain low, single digit friction with which to monetize the Bullion Hedge Mirror in to City Next Tier Monetize.




Recap & Discussion

Our Design resolves a long-standing Gender issue in the ownership of Public and Private Lands. It offers a nuanced solution that protects the Precinct PQ Hierarchy and Commerce, even as it offers the dominant Gender group its distributed ownership of the Commons and other Lands. Our two-pronged GLRU FV & HETF[4] PV design is comprehensive between, and compatible with the division of Public Lands & Private Properties.

 Our Strategy leverages the creation and issue of GLRUs toward a larger context beneficial to the Precinct, the Sovereign, and galactic constituencies. These GLRUs have many facets that are beneficial, noteworthy and strategic:

·       Our strategy adds Liquidity to the otherwise illiquid Precinct Commons Land parcels, and leverages them to increment Sustainability in Environmental and Social contexts. It financializes Precinct Commons PV, adds a Gender FV element, and turns them fungible in trade toward various Social, Precinct and Economic intents.

·       By issuing group Gender ownership to Precinct Commons and Commerce Land, issuing a personal Future FV, and permitting Public adjustments with a Bakey BV, the strategy empowers Precinct Gender members with Private advantage and Group facility, thus pre-empting Vice and Slavery[5].

·       Gender members of society, who are often handicapped with a trade-off between Land with Family, or Career, are empowered in our strategy with GLRUs that permit portability of Precinct Commons and issue Next Offer.

·       GLRUs permit a formal and variable transfers of Precinct Land Assets inter-generationally thru a House Rollover. They facilitate Gender females a larger context to seek their ToBe Offers from.

·       Our GLRU Strategy, conceived with FV-Finance, boosts Gender Equality materially, and adds to Precinct Social Score leveraged at the Mint toward Sustainability Capital, and to Sovereign Gender credentials that are leveraged toward Long FX via the FX Hedge.

·        Our 6-faceted Precinct Achieve, Precinct Legacy Hybrid, Public-Private Nominal, House Private Rollover, Precinct Barter & Community Age Offer facilitate a nuanced resolution to the issue, trades, inter-Precinct transfers and Sovereign leverage of Gender Future Encapsulate Precinct FV Lands.


AltKuznets claims its GLRU concept is an essential supplement to various Precinct Land, Realty & Gender contexts, and that it could, as listed above, have important role to play in achieving SDG goals for Gender, Precincts and the Commons. AltKuznets intends to develop this model of Tradable GLRUs, quantify it formulaically, and develop associated software toward incorporating a Private firm  and implement the design to realize the imbued potential Social gain. It welcomes Multi-lateral, Sovereign sponsorship, as well as partnership interests from Land and Realty Constituency, Market Regulatory and Corporates entities.


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