
The 370ppm CO2 Challenge Makes a Lot of Environmental Sense

Ganga Prasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist The global CC-OC economy, comprised of Private Capitalists, has adopted the competitive Nominal Open Cycle paradigm to exploit resources in the Commons, ostensibly to maximize, both, sovereign economic growth and PV Lifestyles. Multilateral competition, centered around cost-advantages, has incentivized lower-priced, externality-causing carbon-intensive fuels and related technology over sustainable CC technologies in many third-world nations. Competitive economic growth fuelled by a low-cost, externality-intensive technology has brought us to the precipice of a global environmental calamity, avoiding which requires a sacrifice of prospective growth from those with the largest economic stake - the least developed nations. In this context, whereas the Kyoto agreement focused on curtailing emissions from the developed group of nations, the focus of the Paris convention is on eliciting voluntary reductions i...

A Finance-Based, GO-Alternative to Resolution of Nominal SESH Externalities

A Finance-Based, GO-Alternative to Resolution of Nominal SESH Externalities GangaPrasad Rao It's in the papers - the Chennai edition of The Hindu, that is. Cooum river, a flood channel in the incessant ‘winter rains’, but otherwise an open conduit for untreated sewage that drains through garbage dumps on its banks, is back in news…. Surprise, surprise, for the same reason again! Flowing through the unorganized suburbs that provide refuge to the working class employed in cities, and which host the low-value added, downstream ancillary industries, the river has largely lost its ecological and social significance, and serves as a local environmental sink - a garbage channel that is more useful to the economy in its role of channeling slush money to nominal politicians and abetting contractors. The Cooum is but one example of the social and environmental externalities engendered by the Nominal economic paradigm. You may wonder what factors cause such degradation ...

One Small Step.....

One Small Step….. GangaPrasad Rao Paris is behind us, and all is well with the world!....... But seriously, and unless a global technology cartel, possessing a zero-emissions, near zero- marginal cost, closed-cycle nuclear technology is blackmailing the peoples of various nations (Wish the bourses could bet on such bizarre possibilities !), our global Commons, our lives, and those of future generations, are at significant risk - 150 heads of state notwithstanding. Carbon permits are the academically-recommended instrument to inventory, contain and shrink CO2 emissions back to climate sustainability. But in the decades since it was first suggested, buying permits has been entirely the onus of the industry that consumes energy to produce private household goods, intermediate goods, as well as public goods and services. The fact that it is demand from end users - households, businesses, and the Government - that drives the demand for energy, is elementary, but of...

Damage-Collateral-Compensation Bonds

Damage-Collateral-Compensation Bonds GangaPrasad Rao The Nominal per-capita economic paradigm that many societies have adopted to raise their standard of living is not without its pitfalls. Nominal societies hasten a desired future by accommodating some ’real redux-nominal ZS’, and permitting some ‘hastening risk’ upon members of society. The damages and compensation claims resulting from such risks translating into real events in an inequitable nominal economy are shared by Insurance firms who insure Privates, and implicitly by the society/Government that covers or comes to the aid of the uninsured Public at large. Thus, if Privates enjoyed the benefits of anticipatory insurance post-fact the occurrence of the Risk event, the Public settles for as much EO-compensation as the Government deems expedient. This nominal dichotomy permits consumption-externalities by the Rich, and transfers them to the Poor who are victimized at the receiving...

Really Nominal !

Really Nominal! GangaPrasad Rao For some time now, the schizophrenic me has been debating the implications of nominal laissez-faire and real designs in the economic policy sphere (stoked by ‘Faith in an Unregulated Free Market? Don’t Fall for It’: New York Times). We learn at school the virtues of Schumpeterian innovation within a laissez faire economic paradigm - a paradigm in which entrepreneurs stake their technologies, goods, services and strategies against each other, and let the market-comprised of consumers, intermediate producers and investors- decide the winner. Seemed a very logical, and even a just resolution. Why rein the innovative zeal of entrepreneurs when creativity flows from unbridled competition engendered by the laissez faire under the Nominal paradigm? Remove barriers to entry, lower corporate taxes, permit free flow of capital, and what you have is a nominal utopia that serves the masses and elevates their immediate state of happiness. But has the reality of laiss...

Nominal Dichotomy?

Decades back, I remember my uncle, in his wheelchair, reminded me, almost scolding, that merely repeating something doesn't turn it true. Perhaps what I related to him was indeed incredulous..... But those were, and these are, nominal times! Some things repeat .... Like politics, like nominal coalition pressures, like inflation, and ......the sliding FX! And they are, Nominally True - de facto! Back in 70s, inflation was in the double digits in the aftermath of the oil crisis, our population half what it is today, and the Dollar exchanged for 8 Rupees, perhaps less. So what went wrong and who got away.... and how? It turns out Democracy is blind to the nature of economic system adopted under it - whether the trade-oriented, per-capita Nominal paradigm, or the infrastructure-focused Real paradigm. The many governments that we elected found the 'desi'-hybrid version of the per-capita oriented, nominal paradigm - based on inflation-managed capitalism, FX-massaged trade (and ex...