
..... And Nero fiddled while Rome burned?

..... And Nero fiddled while Rome burned? GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist .......So says history, but an evolutionary millennium later, are we any different? We have, across a century of fossil-fuel powered electricity and road-motoring, reduced the very life-giving air we breathe. From a warming greenhouse that melts glaciers, icebergs, even ice-continents, cardiac stress due warmer evenings, climate and urban heat-island-externality-reinforcing indoor air-conditioning, sea-erosion and drowning islands from rising oceans, typhoons and storm surges, the impacts are real and palpable. Why then do we turn a blind eye to an exacerbating disaster? Didn’t the Political we elected delay solar and wind technology decades, and whittle down a carbon tax/permit regime until and eventually it turned a non-binding joke of the century? And what do we have now? A run-away global smokestack economy that has more