
The Indexation Curse…..err, I mean Bounty ! (plus an Introduction to Macro-Monetary-Financial design)

The Indexation Curse…..err, I mean Bounty !  (plus an Introduction to Macro-Monetary-Financial design)                    Ganga Prasad Rao Energy, Environmental, and Mineral Economi st    Evernote: gprao Disclaimer The design broached in this blog is a proposal to the global community of economists, policy-makers and finance professionals. The author does not guarantee the outcomes indicated, or vouch for its financial robustness. Introduction Inflation is, simultaneously, a layman's topic of conversation, the subject of many mundane government reports, and the focus of innumerate macro-economic researchers who seek to model, if not tame the wild animal with myriad econometric techniques, volumes of data and computing power. But the majority of such studies treat inflation at a national or sub- sectoral level. The few that consider cross-country inflation limit it to impacts from trade, and to foreign exchange disequilibria. There is little in the formal or