
The Politics and Economics of Government Spending

The Politics and Economics of Government Spending GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; ; Evernote: gprao   For a Docx manuscript,  Click here For a PDF manuscript, Click here Government Spending within a Broader Context A Government that rules a politically-demarcated society draws upon broad public support as expressed through a Public Ballot to administer the sovereign nation. The Ballot publicly empowers the Government to protect the sovereign and the rights of its peoples, invest in beneficial social and economic pursuits, and promote/engage in opportunistic export/infrastructural investments. Government Spending is a vague term that encompasses the many investments, budgets, projects, spends and subsidies undertaken by the Government. These have multiple sources and pertain to different purposes and lengths – Prudential lines to ensure Sovereign Security, RoW MDG Long lines that seek glob

Icing on the Cake : A Cause Currency Route to Pareto Global Trade, an Expedient Solution to Trade Externalities, plus …………..What ?!

Icing on the Cake : A Cause Currency Route to Pareto Global Trade, an Expedient Solution to Trade Externalities, plus …………..What ?! GangaPrasad Rao  Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; Disclaimer : If the Earth is flat, this proposal is a full circle ! Click here for a pdf of the manuscript. Introduction Trade and Globalization – the sacred growth mantra of many a Nation-Society - has transformed the global economy. The Nominal economic paradigm, endowed with Competition-ZS Capital, has expanded its financial, and production reach to the distant shores of the world. This expansion of input and output markets was as much facilitated by the global flow of capital, and rent seeking-motivated search for factor advantages, as it was by the emergence of a democratically-elected political government empowered to represent its people in negotiations with capitalists. Multi-lateral Trade exploits relative input-factor advantages across juris

Abracadabra …... or, the Art of Promoting Sustainability !

Abracadabra …... or, the Art of Promoting Sustainability ! GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist Disclaimer : … I proclaim, and so shall the world be ! 1 Click here to browse or download the entire pdf manuscript Introduction If the Nominal paradigm leverages, on one hand, technology and capital-owning investors, with political coordination of the middle-class pool of labor, to pursue a growth-based economy, the same is obtained at the price of growing an inequitable, per-capita society, generating diffused SESH externalities and exploiting the Commons globally. Such externalities are the outcome of market-coordinated flow of nominal capital as part of a globalization of nominal economic activity across competing nations. The political imperative to perpetually obtain employment opportunities, and economic growth, induces governments to out-compete each other in accommodating externalit

Fax the Corporate Tax …… Avert Regulatory-, Social- and Fiscal Capture ! (Psst: Dangereux !)

Fax the Corporate Tax …… Avert Regulatory-, Social- and Fiscal Capture ! (Psst: Dangereux !) GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist Disclaimer: Dangereux ! Click here for the pdf Introduction Macro- and Regulatory Economics are not exactly close cousins. One dwells on the operation and administration of entire economies by designing optimal fiscal and monetary policies that foster a larger, globally-competitive, nominal economic paradigm; the other seeks to contain the concentrated and diffused social, environmental, safety and health externalities caused by real-immeserizing, profit-seeking firms in globalized nominal capital markets while ensuring a low-cost and efficient pathway for businesses to achie ve long-run sustainability. And though there seems hardly an overlap, it is the stimulation of the nominal economic paradigm by means of unbalanced fiscal and monetary policies that engen

The ‘Alt-Kuznets’ returns the Global Nominal Economic Paradigm to Sanity

The ‘Alt-Kuznets’ returns the Global Nominal Economic Paradigm to Sanity GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist Rather read the entire proposal in pdf?  The Rao Alt-Kuznets   The Nominal politico-economic paradigm that governs most all nations around the world engenders many-an-externality upon the global society. These externalities extend from social discrimination, and ESH excesses, to economic inequity, and interact in ways that turn the society riskier for all its mem bers. The advent of trade and globalization has expanded the competitive domain of the Nominal paradigm to an extent nations and precincts permit various temporally-diffused and spatially-distributed externalities in the Commons and the Public to attract foreign capital, increment employment, and expand economic activity. Ho wever, those externalities do not attract the immediate cognizance of Nominal Capitalists for lack of