
Rate (C/G)ut the Earth!

Rate (C/G)ut the Earth! Ganga Prasad G. Rao I am no macro-economist, at least not with the credentials of Greenspan, Bernanke or Dr. Reddy. But I do know that lower inter-bank interest rate set by the Fed cascades down as lower interest rates on home loans and credit card loans on one hand, and to easier credit for businesses on the other. A surprise decision to lower interest rate ultimately means more real disposable income in the hands of the working class and induces higher consumption which in turn spurs production and investment, not to mention a spurt in stock markets globally. Not surprisingly, the boost in consumer confidence and higher economic activity augurs well for the incumbent party that seeks to 'soft-launch' the economy in its campaign to retain power. So what could be wrong with this tried and tested strategy? Nothing, if one did not care beyond the boundaries of one's nation and this generation. But in today's global e

Trade Your Personal GHG Emissions Rights

Trade Your Personal GHG Emissions Rights Ganga Prasad G. Rao These days, with the cacophony of words, ads and noises from people and machines, one is not sure whether a certain thought is 'original', smoked out and fed back in with a minor suggestion, transmitted by 'telepathy', heard around or 'stimulated' as part of an IPR test (or is merely a regurgitation of what has already been published). Yet, these considerations should not matter when an idea is in the interest of global commons. So, hear ye, hear one, hear all! We are already in an era where one could buy in to emissions offsets to pay for the environmental excesses of our actions. Those environmentally conscious buy emissions offsets, ie, reductions in emissions elsewhere, for their business or leisure activities, for example, flying. As an economist, I have mixed reactions. Emissions offsets are an interesting means of obtaining voluntarily participation from the popul

Public (Sector) and Private (Equity) Hallucinations

Public (Sector) and Private (Equity) Hallucinations Ganga Prasad G. Rao Living in a socialist country with government-sponsored 'public sector' enterprises, it is easy to forget what the objectives of these entities are. In truth, they are oriented more to the nation's cause of infrastructure development, to a less-endorsed extent employment generation, and, as I would like to (mis)believe, to raise the per-capita consumption of various goods and services (why else would they compare inter-country per-capita figures in Planning Commission documents?). With government appointed board members who take their orders from their political masters at the Ministry, these entities also serve to control investment, prices and inventories in the market, not to mention stock up goods meant for subsidized distribution. I half-suspect, the government plays a strategic 'duopolistic' game with the private players – the government's interpretation

Pollute Not the Oceans

Pollute Not the Oceans Ganga Prasad G. Rao It was, with Africa, the Arctics and the Antarctic, one of the ultimate unknowns, the ultimate expanse, the fear of many a mariner in the centuries gone by. No longer. Today, practically every inch of the ocean is mapped. No sea, strait or island has escaped the marauding humans. It is perhaps an unwritten law of nature that destruction follows where man sets foot. After turning the atmosphere and land in to the toilet of the industry, overrunning lakes, and polluting rivers, it is now our hallowed duty to commit the ultimate insult to God's world. Let's exploit the purity of the oceans as well! Not that it has escaped our attention. Honestly, if the oceans are yet sought after, it is not because we haven't tried to despoil it. Those ignorant or otherwise not informed may wonder if human activity has left any mark on the ocean systems. For one, the ocean waters are noticeably warmer, thanks to human

The Nuclear Ballot Dance

The Nuclear Ballot Dance Ganga Prasad G. Rao General elections are not exactly 'once in a blue moon' events. Though meant to occur quinquennially, I suspect they are held more often, perhaps every three-four years on average. Each election is touted as a momentous, historically important event; yet, few are as important as the one being suggested among political circles these days. Dissension in the UPA coalition regarding the 123 agreement and comments by Advani give credence to rumours of an impending election. With the economy in overdrive, the monsoons obliging, and inflation tamed for the immediate future, this is as good an opportunity that Sonia will ever get to 'spring a surprise'. An election is not just the choice of one candidate or party over another to rule us. It is an occasion to take stock of promises, achievements and failures, and prepare the nation to renew the battle and confront various issues – from the past and of

Two Cents for My Idle Thoughts

Two Cents for My Idle Thoughts? (You are, by now, used to my usual disclaimers!) Ganga Prasad G. Rao - Like whether foreign governments who stand to benefit from a warmer climate are promoting expansion of coal-based power and power-sector deregulation in poor and populated, but coal-rich nations to achieve their goals (while claiming to further Millenium Development Goals!)...??? (India can go nuclear when the Antarctic has been colonized!!) – Like whether the US will invade 'Iran' as a face-saver to cover its 'withdrawal' from Iraq and whether the invasion of Iran is a thinly-veiled strategy to eventually confront Russia in a world-war by moving in to oil-rich Kazhakstan/Azerbaijan on behalf of the Saudis? – Like whether the entire sub-prime crisis is a cleverly-thought out cover for arranging 'energy security' payment from Saudi Arabia (through German and Japanese Banks) for the protection provided to them by US not only fro