That ain’t a Rainbow o’er the Horizon?


Prasad Rao, PhD

Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd


It’s been hailed as the Age of IT, as the Nuclear Age, as the Nano Revolution, but we could, just as well, term it the Finance Next Paradigm. Advances in Science, Technology & IT and other fields require, even necessitate an anticipatory revolution in Finance. Finance offers, beyond the resources necessary to fund the Pre and the Sectoral expansion, the Market information necessary to guide those R&D and Technological Innovations. In fact, Finance is so pivotal to the various other sectors of the economy, that it even turns necessary to bring about those financial markets and sectoral constructs before the intended ‘revolution’ is achieved. One of the salient features of Finance is a lean on its Motivators - whether globally-salient Social Causes, democratically-moderated Political Intents, or Market-determined Technological Opportunities. And no matter which motivator, structured Finance is such that it hastens the future, even leaps in to the Next.

It is the characterization of that Next that AltKuznets has undertaken, not as an academic adventure, but as a Business Strategy. The dichotomous nature of economic growth associated with the Nominal paradigm, that obtains a Wealthy Investor Class, and otherwise a large Household-Consumer economy, also brings with it an issue of what that Next is for the two classes. Whereas the City Next is a buzzword that people associate with easily for their technologically-intensive lifestyle, the nature of the Next for those other Households is not immediately apparent. 

AltKuznets envisions the Next physically, socially and indeed, financially. Leveraging FV-Finance, we indicate how Gender Sustainability along with Precinct Public & Private Sustainability Metrics could be leveraged toward conceiving the physical dimensions of the LNFS and the CNxT. We integrate the City Next conception with its twin, the Land Next Future Sphere, and indicate how such conception could be derived from Financial markets. We offer a strategy to systematically apply Galactic and FV Finance to the existing repository of ‘Passurance Sustainability-BioDiversity Future-Technology Patents FV’ and obtain both the LNFS & the CNxT as logical, physical & financial derivatives that consolidate and extend the sustainability gains and economic opportunity associated with Human society, its SDG-conformable & democratically-moderated Governance and Technological advances.

Thereafter, AltKuznets, projecting a Nuclear-exacerbating global Nominal economy, offers a Nuclear-attenuated Next-financing paradigm that leverages the sum of Religion, Patents and Bio-diversity to obtain a two-tier strategy for the time-forwarded LNFS & Wealth-differentiated CNxT Tier conceptions. Our Strategy, competes the LNFS against the CNxT, and obtains a compromise that is Sustainability-enhancing, even conducive to Gender Equity, Social Equity and the Markets. It obtains a Next conception that lends meaning and rationale to the present society and its finances, and thus offers Governments, Precincts, Investors and Households a Next context with which to plan their current activities. In the limit, our ‘Mini-limited’ strategy not only attenuates an exacerbation of the global Nuclear scenario, but also offers a significant Financial Resource Pot that could be applied to Sustainability & Rights pursuits.

AltKuznets, having applied for a copyright to this design, invites Precinct & Market interest in applying the design.


Psst: Check out the updated Copyright-pending document 'The AltKuznets Future Sphere & CNxT Societies' at



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