
Global Warming In My Mittens!

Global Warming In My Mittens! Ganga Prasad G. Rao I have had this creepy feeling about global warming for a long time. The phenomenon was recognized even in the sixties and received scant attention for decades. Then, when it did, the focus was on identifying impacts and preparing for them, not solving the problem. Which brings up the slimy prospect: what if global warming is beneficial to humans, if only on balance. No one disputes the real impacts on sea level from melting of polar ice and the Greenland icecaps. Or, for that matter, the increase in frequency of anomalous weather events. The former is likely to be slow relative to the pace of human resettlement so that it doesn't pose a problem in most countries. (Crowded islands excepted). The latter is easily anticipated and partially internalized by various calamity and agriculture insurance policies. Changes in diurnal temperature patterns are anyway dwarfed by temperature changes from day to day

An Online Market for Easements?

AN ONLINE MARKET FOR EASEMENTS? Ganga Prasad G. Rao At the rate land is gobbled up by the rich, commercial establishments and real estate companies, (and looking at the exponent on the price projection) you might be excused for putting up your neighbor's land for sale and running away with the proceeds to Tonga! But seriously, in a land of a billion people, land is increasingly scarce. After all, we need land for roads, parking spaces, parks, cinema 'complexes', stadiums, malls, offices, palatial bungalows, cottages, hotels, entertainment parks – the list is endless. Look what suburban sprawl did to the US. If we followed them, there would be no rural hinterland to talk about. Even as things stand, our forest cover and our bio-diversity is being raped by an economy that only cares for GDP growth and profits at the bourses. If things continue at this pace, India will be one vast stretch of concrete interspersed with asphalt from Kargil to Kany

Corruption, Desi style!

Corruption, Desi Style! Ganga Prasad G. Rao Many heads have pondered over it, much has been written on it, and many a shelves have been filled investigating it that you'd wonder what I have to add to the phenomenon of corruption - short of suggesting the use of electric eels on the corrupt with divine or better yet, satanic intervention! But seriously, is corruption merely the lubricant that turns the wheels of the economy or is it the proverbial spanner in the wheels of progress? From the farmer who must bribe the bank officer before he signs the loan papers, the widow who must borrow to bribe to receive her husband's death certificate that qualifies her for insurance, the anxious parent in two minds about bribing the Principal to secure his child's admission, to the impatient guy all too willing to part with a few big notes to the license officer to drive away with his new SUV, all are examples of how corruption pervades the daily life of c

Environmental Progress thru Competition!

Environmental Progress thru Competition! Ganga Prasad G. Rao Lok Sabha TV is a pleasant surprise. Yeah, they telecast some sessions of the Lower House, but it is far more than a peek in to the hell-house that we elect our representatives in to. And I don't just mean the cultural presentations. Late night this week, I happened to switch in to the Principal Advisor of the Planning Commission, Suresh Sethi, discussing energy policy matters on the channel. For once, I did not switch to the F channel. Believe me, my right hand almost twitched! Much of what he said was, for want of a better word, relevant, and though I did not see his way at many points along his talk, one sentence caught my attention. Mr Sethi said, and I quote (though not verbatim) “Competition (among producers) will enhance the environmental performance of our industry”. Well, I fervently hope so. Because my training in micro-economics and energy economics suggests an entirely different

Zip, Zap, Suuueee me!

Zip, Zap, Suuuuee me! Ganga Prasad G. Rao Euro vehicle pollution standards and lead-free gasoline are so much in the news that one can't be faulted to presume the air is getting cleaner around us. But wait before you breathe too deeply! Would you care to walk out of your thickly curtained air-conditioned bungalow? At around 8:30-9 am on a cold morning to be precise. That's when the neighbor revs up his two-stroke scooter releasing a white plume. Now who would protest refreshing some benzene and carbon-monoxide to accompany your cuppa chai?! Join me as we find our way to work through the potholes and the braving the death-defying motoring strategies of the two- and three-wheelers. What's that smell? It can't be....thankfully, it isn't. It's only the foul smell from the rickety diesel-guzzling lorry in front of you. Defying all laws of physics, it seems to exist merely to spout soot and other toxics in to your lungs. Pardon me, how is dies

Holy Smokes!

Holy Smokes! Ganga Prasad G. Rao We Chennaites, conservatives and 'traditionalists' to the bone, may have adapted to rap tamil songs to accompany the annual Carnatic music festival, but when it comes to January, reading The Hindu while the cup of decoction coffee is still piping hot is still the 'in thing'. And January brings with it, besides the shrill religious music that interrupts many a tender moments, another traditional festival, Bhogi, the precursor to Pongal, the harvest festival. My ardent love for religion and Hinduism is quite well known. For the same reason, I generally stay clear of religious matters. But this one deserves attention. Over the years, the growing wealth among Indian families has been ostentatiously displayed in many ways including, unfortunately, overt displays of fireworks and the like. Come festival time - and the trend is to celebrate any and all festivals, election victories, five day match victory, ODI v