
Showing posts from June, 2024

That ain’t a Rainbow o’er the Horizon?

   Prasad Rao, PhD Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd   It’s been hailed as the Age of IT, as the Nuclear Age, as the Nano Revolution, but we could, just as well, term it the Finance Next Paradigm. Advances in Science, Technology & IT and other fields require, even necessitate an anticipatory revolution in Finance. Finance offers, beyond the resources necessary to fund the Pre and the Sectoral expansion, the Market information necessary to guide those R&D and Technological Innovations. In fact, Finance is so pivotal to the various other sectors of the economy, that it even turns necessary to bring about those financial markets and sectoral constructs before the intended ‘revolution’ is achieved. One of the salient features of Finance is a lean on its Motivators - whether globally-salient Social Causes, democratically-moderated Political Intents, or Market-determined Technological Opportunities. And no matter which motivator, structured Finance is such