
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Market-based Resolution to Global Social Causes

    Prasad Rao, PhD Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd       The various Multi-lateral Institutions – IMF, GEF, IPCCC, WB, WHO, ILO, IMO, etc, that espouse long, prudential global causes linked to Human Society and its co-existence with Nature & Narnia, administer them thru various Governments, Affiliates and NGOs. They also lean on entities in the financial markets who design and administer Cause-specific analytical, rating and financial instruments. MLIs lean on such constructs as SDG Indicators, and cumulated/current Indicators of physical phenomena that reveal the extent of diffuse pollution, climate, or other social malaises and externalities, to guide remedial and administrative policies that achieve an eventual goal largely beyond the cognizance or planning horizon of Individuals, Commerce, Businesses, even one-term Political Governments. Consequently, such causes, when prudential or global in scope, are taken up by MLIs