
Showing posts from December, 2022

The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?

  The AltKuznetsHouseHierarchy@Precinct.DSM ?   Prasad Rao, PhD, Director AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd;         The Precinct society is built around the consolidation of consumer-oriented, low-cost and efficient technologies in to the Precinct DY economy that Religion and the Mint find sub-serving their galactic & Sovereign goals, that employed Householders find appropriate to their family aspirations, and which are strategic to the objectives of Democratic Politics and Technology Markets. In most Religions, families constitute the basic societal unit. House Property is deemed the basic unit of Family Asset, and an inseparable element of Householder achievements. Hence, the Housing-centered society, and Housing-economy are of cognizance as much to Religion and Sociology, as they are to Policy and Markets. Houses are important for other reasons. Houses are the nu