The AltKuznets Social Nirvana ?

The AltKuznets Status Highway to Social Nirvana? 

Prasad Rao, PhD, Director



Democracies around the world have grappled with sustainably managing the Society.  Whereas the Real Permanent society plans its PQ across generations and LQ Status into the Next, Democracies, sponsored by Technology Interests and implemented by the Political Coterie, have a much shorter horizon, and a clearly-defined context to operate within. Notably, (Private Pol.Coterie-administered) Democracy, by axing Public Religion out, claims the right to monetize the Status of its members as Mint Gold & Sovereign Currency. It is this (partial) monetization of inter-life PQ Status that fund the Infrastructural conveniences offered Precinct residents.

It has, however, been a challenge to define and quantify Individual Status and leverage the same in Democracy beyond an Identity Card. Much as the UIDAI-issued Aadhar Identity is a significant step forward in quantifying PQ Status toward those infrastructural monetizes, it does not offer any mechanism for Members to consciously manage their current- and future-life status. AltKuznets has conceived of an individually-manageable strategy that not only elucidates the larger context of PQ Status and monetization toward Precinct Infrastructure, but also facilitates defensible and endogenous modifications to that status, and its drawal toward PV Life. In the spirit of egalitarian Status advocated by Democracies, the strategy disaggregates each Member’s inter-life status in to i) a uniform Sovereign-egalitarian Status that is leaned upon by the Precinct toward an Infra Monetize, and by the Political Coterie toward a LQ Technology-led growth economy, and ii) a Member-Citizen-specific variable ‘PQ Excess’ that is deemed held at the ‘UN Inter-Sovereign Status Inter-life Cloak Room’. (In third world nations, the politically-preferred Egalitarian Status could further be stepped down to issue and transfer a Public Status Dollop as an initial advantage to the Oppressed classes, thus obtaining a two-tier initial Public Status). Each individual’s status obtains formulaically as a weighted combination of a) initial status as issued by the Political Democracy, b) the Precinct Environmental (PES) & Social (HDI) scores, and c) his or her own Private participation/subscription/purchases toward those Public goals. Thereafter, the AltKuznets design permits members to consciously and privately invest toward raising their Status PVFV with participation in/purchases of culturally-sensitive, socially-just and environmentally-productive goods and services that obtain them certificates cognizable toward the FV Status. Since such participation/purchases/gifts are imbued with a ‘Private FV-Public Next’, they add to a member’s private status which rise within life. These increments to Private Status FV are expressed quantitatively (Figure), and available to Citizens as a discounted redemption[1] toward current life LQ. Post a mandatory lien, Citizens may redeem their Status periodically at time-varying, but uniform Public discounts as Aadhar Sustainability Points, ASPs. ASPs, representing the discounted redemption of a member’s FV Status, may thereafter be applied by the Citizen to a basket of alternatives where their application either merely discounts the price (essentials), adds a variable basis-point ‘private icing’ to the public PF rate[2], or which obtain a Rank or Entry to a Next-facilitating Social Offer participated in commonly by PQ Commerce or LQ Biz (Culture/LQ Goods & Services).

The Strategy to offer Status increments with Social and Environmental purchases, and the consequent emergence of competition, would induce Citizens to consciously participate in, or purchase cultural, social or environmental goods/services/gifts. These Certificates would span a large set of alternatives from Environmental purchases such as Commons-SDRE Bonds, Green Hydrogen Bundles, Green Charge EV Bundles, and Precinct Recycling Certificates, to Social Investments comprised of ‘Education Sponsorship Certificates’, ‘Group Employment Insurance Support’, and ‘Age & Handicap Care GiftPacks’. Those incentives and consequent Certificate purchases, when competed, preferred and purchased by the many, obtain a quantum increment in social justice & the environmental sectors of the economy, and augment both, Public Sustainability indices and Private Status. In addition to Precinct Sustainability and Private Status increments, the design obtains a large public market for Environmental and Social Sustainability Goods, Products & Services that are conducive to the employment-sensitive, per-capita DY economy and indeed, to Precinct GDP growth. Further, the AltKuznets-designed ‘cheaper by the basket’ pricing of alternative Status-raising instruments, obtains a multi-dimensional increment to Society, enlarging the society spherically. Citizens optimize between maximizing their ASP-tuned current life Consumption LQ, and Closing Status-determined ‘Next Precinct Offer’ that obtain with Next-Sustainability-raising cumulative Environmental and Social investments upon exiting the Nominal paradigm in age. Commerce, Business, (Government) & NGO entities would offer LQ-imbued consumption goods, products & services to Citizens and seek ASPs in return toward their Precinct Social obligations. They’d leverage ASPs cumulated from the Public toward their Private advantage - whether thru Precinct-Commerce Payouts/Biz Volume Hedges/LQ Floor mechanisms, in Budget negotiations, or in PE-driven markets. Thus, and between the Citizen, Precinct Commerce, Government & NGOs, the strategy obtains a Next-conformable, public-pareto & privately-advantageous Cultire-appreciating Society, Precinct DY Economy & the Global LQ Economy. The design could also be extended to further ease Deep-Shallow/Infrastructure monetizes that are catalysed by Citizen PQ Status. In addition, Precincts would interlink with each other, and the UN Cloak Room, to transparently negotiate Precinct Next Offers to Citizens, and thus obtain a globally-incentivized, Commons-conducive Sustainable society.

AltKuznets, in its working draft of the under-copyright proposal, explains the strategy, quantifies the underlying assumptions, and offers a quantitative strategy that is conformable with the Sovereign Citizen Identity system, and which offers the tantalizing potential of a people-driven increment to Precinct-Social and Environmental Sustainability consistent with social justice and personal Status & Consumption aspirations. AltKuznets invites interest from Governments, NGOs, Environmental & Social organizations, and other institutions to explore various commercial possibilities.

[1] A two-part discount rate on redemption would advantage an ‘oppressed class’ of citizens with lower discounts on the Redemption price relative other citizens. This’d incentivize citizens of the group to draw on their larger initial Status endowment and enjoy an incremental LQ.

[2] Facilitated by a lower Discount rate on the monetization of Galactic Deep FV Gold.


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