
Showing posts from May, 2014

Inequity-Corruption-Inefficiency Nokeynomics !

Inequity-Corruption-Inefficiency Nokeynomics ! Ganga Prasad Rao              Disclaimer : The author does not vouch for the purported outcomes of the design proposed herein under. Actual outcomes could vary due economic and financial market dynamics. (Errors, Omissions and Death threats excepted !!!)   Introduction Inequity? Corruption? Inefficiency? Social and Environmental unsustainability? So what's new in the nominal economy? These are age-old malaise, much as are Vice and Slavery. To root them out would be denying human greed, -sensitivities, -errors, and indeed, human urges that incentivize our actions (and inactions!). But should we condemn ourselves to these excesses and tolerate them as they pervade our public space and private life, erode our constitutional rights and personal freedom? Shall we, (un)like the proverbial followers of Moses walk across the dry bed of the River Jordan and seek a miraculous change of heart in our political maste