Neo-Socialist Per-Capita Economics

Ganga Prasad G. Rao

The prophets of doom have spoken. And for once, the financial meltdown did turn those prophecies true. The stock markets, banks and financial institutions fell like nine pins (and with them, the thick volumes of budget and five-year plan documents) when the big daddies pulled the plug on the bourses. They knew better than to expect 50% returns year after year. (Now is not the time to speak of the small investor who lost his house and family to the crisis by following the 'invest and hold long' strategy. Sucker!!!!!) With the threat of an economic collapse following the financial crisis still in the air, and with the upcoming global warming negotiations already casting their long shadow on the industry, the governments of the world are groping for ideas to grow their economy.

Like? Keynesian Economics? Neo-classical laissez faire? Neo-Keynesian Economy? Been there done that! So what's new? Macro-policies from cutting edge research at Berkeley and MIT? Actually, some old wine in new bottle! Give it a name, will you? Okey, call it 'Neo-Socialist Per Capita Economy'. Bear in mind, this strategy is more than economics. It is crafted by the devil himself and does not brook interference by academics! We first affirm democracy is sacrosanct. Next, we declare all people of the world 'equal' and assign them the same rights to life in its various facets. (One of those rights, in particular, is the right to grow one's family. Yes, good times are-a-coming!) In the meanwhile, the Planning Commission compiles detailed statistics comparing our per-capita consumption for various goods and amenities – water, eggs, iron, housing and floor space, vehicles per family, roads per square kilometer, copper consumption, iron production, credit card usage, and the like, against similar measures for developed nations. Then we allow electoral politics to dig the mass grave necessary to provide the impetus for the growth economy. Election time it is. Time to pander dreams and goodies to the masses. Minimum support prices for every damn agricultural product you can think of. A kilo of rice at Rs2; no Rs1; well, actually free if you care to stand in the line. Subsidized gasoline so you don't take to the streets with sickles and burn effigies while I enjoy my vacation abroad. Low low rates for housing loans (and an 'employment stimulus' to ensure the PSU banks do not go under after distributing them!). Don't you see? A subsidized economy is a growing economy (as long as I am in power). Simple as that! (Ok, OK!, we get the idea. Voters know which side their bread is buttered!)

Time to talk tough (now that I have assumed political office), whether WTO or at the global warming summit. God created us equal, God damn it, we'll consume and pollute in equal. Agricultural subsidies equal to those in developed nations...and equal per-capita emissions - that's what we are entitled to. I must grow my economy, if by polluting and excluding imports that replace domestic production. Banks, you must lower interest rates on business loans, and on home loans. That should induce some groundbreaking ceremonies and purchases of bigger cars by larger families. Don't you think so? (Now you know why we don't push population control). Declare employment, power, housing, water and education fundamental rights .... and put up a proposal for laptops and automobiles as well. Empower citizens to sue if denied those rights. That should get the economy going, help us achieve those per-capita targets and claim equality with the developed nations (How do we have them increase their consumption so we could play this game perpetually? Hmm?). Nevermind the plans and policies have loose ends on them. We can correct them in the next plan, or next cycle, or next yuga....whichever comes later (See, it helps to be a Hindu who believes in rebirth).

As for the mountains of industrial and consumer waste, let them be, until there is money in cleaning them up. Who knows, EPA and/or the GEF might be in the 'mood of giving'. Besides, gotta leave some crumbs for those behind!

Who said politicians are not macro-economists? What say you?

Per capita is our magic mantra, Capital idea it is!
Fits well in to our business plans, stock market manipulations,
even election platforms (Fundamental rights are but an extension of our freedom struggle)
Rights that avert economic doom, rights that grease many a palm,
Rights that gladden the hearts of employers, employees, and investors alike!
Rights that launch our economy and propel us to the stars
Rights advantageous in carbon permit trading and WTO negotiations;
Indeed, rights that let the developed nations off the global warming rap!
(So, who is behind the 'Neo-Socialist Per-Capita Economy'?)


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