Nuclear Devastation via Coal Power?

Nuclear Devastation via Coal Power?

Ganga Prasad G. Rao

If you are an avid reader then perhaps you have noticed how certain articles are 'friendlier' than others, and not merely because they are well-written. I happened to come across one such undated piece on the internet. Authored by Alex Gabbard of the ORNL, it reveals how coal-fired power plants emit many times, repeat, many times more nuclear irradiating particles than nuclear plants. (I forwarded it to the MoEF). And we thought nuclear plants had monopoly rights on human irradiation!

Surprising, yes, but is it a cause for concern? Consider this. In an age of global warming, half the world is unabashedly moving toward coal. India and China have turned coal in to a religion of the 'modern' day industrial revolution. China, as we hear, is adding a coal-fired power plant every week. And, going by the news in business papers, India is no laggard. (Any wonder coal beats other fuels by a mile when power plant are awarded on the basis of bidding 'levelized' tariffs – indexed to fuel price inflation??). With government-sponsored rural electrification, free or almost free power for agricultural pumpsets, subsidized power for residential consumers, unabated population growth and a booming economy, power demand is exploding through the roof. (Don't believe me? Look at the returns in Reliance Diversified Power Mutual Fund). What this means for global CO2 emissions and climate change is the subject of many articles, documents and reports. But, what does that imply for radiation exposure? For now, let's take a giant 'leap of faith' (believe in the divinity of God's followers!) and presume that we manage to stabilize CO2 emissions, if necessary by cooking up afforestation numbers and sequestering carbon. Coal-fired plants will then expand their share of power generation. As we move to coal of incrementally lower quality, radioactive ash emissions will further increase. Will Gibbard's radiation emission numbers stand up? Are they too conservative? Do we risk overshooting his estimates in search of a 'higher growth trajectory'. Does it even matter? Hey, what's a little irradiation for an extra scoop of ice-cream in the stock market?!!!!

On a tangent, we may yet save the polar ice and the disputed island with Bangladesh, but at what cost? Does it matter to the raccoons whether they were killed by warmer temperatures or bulldozers laying landing strips on their humble habitat? Does it matter to the whale whether its low sperm count was caused by warmer temperatures or 'non-toxic water-based/acrylic paint'? Are asthmatics any better off in a cooler world with lower humidity while breathing benzene from high-octane gas emitted by vehicles in the 'start and 'idle revving' cycle by the nasty neighbor? And, would you prefer power plant irradiation while preserving our abundant thorium deposits for a post-scorched earth world? I don't know about you, but I like 'subzi' made from fresh vegetables before they turn stale in the fridge and are cast to the bins!

Choices, conscious and unconscious
Private choices, choices for the family
Choices for today, and those for the 'morrow
Choices this generation, choices for decades and centuries beyond
Choices for humanity, choices for pets, animals and plants
Choices for this earthly life, choices beyond
Choices, choices and Hobson's choices!


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