'Optimist'ize Your Life!

'Optimist'ize Your Life!

Ganga Prasad G. Rao

“Be an Optimist”, they said
“Smile and look around,
the world is bright
glamorous and beautiful”
Persuaded, I have shed
my pessimist snake-skin,
peeled away my morose face
(even shaved my week-long stubble!)
And now, sporting a silly smile
I have turned, overnight,
a 'born-again optimist'
livin' the good life,
ignoring matters mundane, and
anything beyond instant comprehension
Wishing away all grey clouds of tomorrow
in to the enjoyment of the now
I am an Optimist, therefore I am!

No longer do I trek weekends
run along the beach at dawn
Vocational training? Evening college? No, not for me
With latest sunglasses, lotsa macho stuff
a bike from hell, and boots to fit
No book worth the thrill
of a babe riding pillion
curling her hands 'round me
as we zoom away to the mall
Gotta meet friends, live up the life,
check out movies,
the music, the moves and the shakes
SMS every gimmick there is
beep my way to ephemeral glory
Be the trendsetter, buy that gizmo,
Honest to God, jus' my share
to help the corporates light up their register
while I Optimistize my expenditures
'fterall, they discount my gas, they sure do
If there's anything you should know, hear this from me
Be an Optimist, 'twill change your life!

Hey, but what about
Justice? equality? liberty?
Equity and opportunity
in this fledgling land of ours?
What's that I hear of inflation and subsidies
jus' more of election politics?
Global warming threatening economic growth
Technological obsolescence causing unemployment?
Nuclear imperialism couched in capitalism
(with fringe benefits distributed in the stock market)?
The industry-religion-mafia triangle?
(Whoever heard of that?)
Investment in mutual funds, or is it
fraud in financial markets?
Caring for the young, the aged, and the infirm?
vs money for public safety, hygiene and education?
Stop, stop, stop, Don't tax my brain!
Painful it is even to hear
Why worry about things that matter not to me?
Ignorance is bliss, so they say
and a blissful Optimist I sure am,

So bother me not, my friend dear
with debates and serious arguments
Join the Optimist club, if you dare
But, if you happen to be a wimp
or a 'pink' who 'cares'
take my word, ask the nerd o'er there,
I hear he'd rather be
of all unholy things
a Pessimist!

ps: The Optimist made a career of painting rosy pictures of year-ahead sales and profits to FIIs and laughed all the way to the pessimist's foreclosure!


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