
Showing posts from July, 2023

The AltKuznets Insurance-leveraged Sustainability Strategy

The AltKuznets Insurance-leveraged Sustainability Strategy   Prasad Rao, PhD,  Director,   Sustainability, in its various forms – Social, Political and Environmental, has an indelible impression on the society and the markets. Sustainability is also fundamental to replication of the society in to larger contexts. Whereas Sustainability is quantified in various metrices and indices, the same is reflected in Capital markets in the form of Yields, Returns and Inflation. Specifically, and whereas Returns in Equity are oftentimes correlated negatively, Inflation, both monetary and at the Bullion, are symptomatic of incipient or cumulative unsustainability. AltKuznets has, in its earlier Business proposals, outlined how Taxes – Personal and Capital Gains, as well as Personal Next Status, could be leveraged to increment Precinct and extra-Precinct Sustainability. Here, we broach a strategy to leverage Personal Life Insurance to increment Sustainability. L