
Showing posts from May, 2022


ALTKUZ, DON’T BLEED THE RICH ! ‘0% Tax, 100% Societal Gain’ Prasad Rao, PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors In a per-capita-driven Nominal economy, Environmental Externalities are released in Production, Consumption and in post-consumption Disposal. However, and despite a formal Tax-based governance at the federal, state and Precinct tiers, successive Governments have preferred to focus on Social equity issues to the particular neglect of Environmental externalities. Further, the regulatory onus was directed almost exclusively at Production externalities across decades. Such wanton inattention to Consumer- and Consumption externalities resulted in exacerbation of air, water and land, as well as social externalities, in urban conglomerates where Households reside, grow their family, and consume toward raising their Lifestyle Quality. These externalities cumulate slowly and/or remotely, due which there is limited public cognizance, much less political, until cost-e...