
Showing posts from August, 2021

Network Closed-Cycle Conformance....

Network Closed-Cycle Conformance…. (…to Upgrade your PE!) Prasad Rao, MTech, PhD PennState Director, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Click here for the Biz Sales Office For decades, the Capital markets that valued Firm Equities, focussed unvaryingly on expanding Markets, Sales Volumes, Revenues and Profits. Then came Costs, Innovation and Industry Concentration. Other determinants of Market valuation, ratios and measures followed – Net Reserves, Tax Efficiency, Ad Effectiveness, Investor Awareness, so on and so forth. Sustainability took a back seat, and when it come in to focus, it leaned more to the Social than Environmental Sustainability. In other words, more of Corporate Social Responsibility and the less of Climate Change. It is indeed fortuitous that Governments, with a longer foresight due the responsibility of ensuring the safety and sustainability of its people, invested in R&D that yielded the Renewable Technologies of the day. However, and despite the various Renewab

An FV Finance-mediated Recycling Policy: A Proposal

An FV Finance-mediated Recycling Policy: A Proposal Prasad Rao, MTech PhD. ,  Director A ltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Purchase a PDF Copy from AltKuznets Biz Sales Office I ntroduction T he global Nominal economy, with price-based competition and PE-based arbitrages in the Capital markets, has cumulated externalities in all three media. And though much attention focuses on Climate Change and its all too evident manifestations in Polar Melting, Forest Fires and Floods, the enlarging landfills of Plastics and other wastes are just as significant a concern for their multifarious impacts on Humanity and beyond . Conventional non-market and market-policies have had a limited impact on the enlarging crisis, and it is opportune to seek more drastic, innovative policies facilitated by technological progress in other fields, notably. The Recycling Market Recycling has assumed significant proportions in econom ies where competition implies