
Showing posts from June, 2019
Sustainability at the Schumpeterian Margin? Prasad Rao, MTech(IIT KGP), PhD (PennState) Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist ; Disclaimer : This blog couldn’t be so important as to cause a Earthquake 10 to the global IPO markets? Thankfully not, but I must take Insurance nonetheless. The model presented here, as with any conception or design, is but one of a myriad alternatives. The author makes no claim of the factuality of the contents, the accuracy of the design, or the purported outcomes from implementing it. As for mis-representations, omissions, unintended errors, and intended obfuscations, …… Beware ! For a PDF of the entire Manuscript, Click here Introduction The nature of Private enterprise is such that it must maximize returns for the Capital invested and the Labor employed toward producing a good or service that the society seeks. That Private return is maximized, on one hand, for the conservation of both effort an