
Showing posts from January, 2019

Religion Economy and the Global Nominal Society

Prasad Rao #Honest2God, I am an Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist. Factually! Print a PDF Introduction The Nominal paradigm is ever so incestuously twined with Technology and Politics, that not many perceive how it interacts with another behemoth from times immemorial – Religion. If Politics is the art of leveraging People's Private Preferences to rule on their behalf, Religion is the science of manipulating Public Conscience. Religion as an institution has existed and evolved for millenia. Today, and notwithstanding the Non-Denominational, ND group, Religion holds sway over an overwhelming majority in the peoples of various societies. Its history is as much interspersed with religious institutions, awe-inspiring structures and grand festivals, as it is marked by acts of violence, wars, and cruel torture. Religion, in its role as either a friend or foe of the Royalty , has influenced political rule in various continents for centuries. In fact, Religion verily shaped t