
Showing posts from December, 2018

Kraemer Vs Kramer - The Environmental & the Social

Kraemer Vs Kramer - The Environmental & the Social ( A Transaction-centered Paradigm for Aural Sustainability Capital and Global Externality Resolution ) GangaPrasad Rao, MSc, MTech, MS, (PhD) Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; Disclaimer : No two Architects would ever come up with the same design; the global macro-economic - macro-environmental paradigm presented here is but one vision of the ‘ vasudhaiva kutumbakam ’!  Gold Markets, Beware ! All errors and omissions, unless induced by social activity around, are indeed mine. Click here for the pdf:  KraemerPDF Introduction It doesn’t take an avid social observer to perceive the atrocit… err, the strategies that the Nominal adopts, in a conspiracy with the Political apparatus, to enlarge its capital returns at the expense of the gullible masses. When sustainable and efficient technology comes at a high price, or even otherwise, Capitalists do not mind the less effi