
Showing posts from August, 2017

Rationalization of the Work Week - a Credible Climate Change Policy

Rationalization of the Work Week - a Credible Climate Change Policy GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist; Evernote: gprao Click here for a PDF of this blogpost Introduction The global Nominal economy, despite all the hype about Green Energy combating Climate Change, continues to chug away toward a climate disaster, taking little note of the expanding consumption of carbon-intensive fossil fuel and mineral resources, and it's implications for the sustainability of human society and the animal world in the generations and decades ahead. With nations of the world unabashedly adopting the emissions-intensive, nominal per-capita paradigm of consumption-based growth, and capital markets continuing to support expansion of primary fossil-fuel exploration over responsible recycling, the likelihood of interrupting the nearly unbroken, 100 year record of rising CO2 ambient concentrations seems decide

Externality Resolution Within a Nominal Paradigm - A New Chapter in FV Finance

Externality Resolution Within a Nominal Paradigm - A New Chapter in FV Finance GangaPrasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economics Foreword and Disclaimer : This blog broaches a novel extension to a previous blog that proposed a dual SGDP-NGDP Bond-based mechanism to operate the nation’s economy and optimize annual budgets. It applies principles of FV Finance to solve externalities associated with uncontrolled nominal expansions funded with NSI monetization. It offers an integrated answer to resolve nominal externalities on one hand, and ‘create’ FV Gold Capital for IPO-based incremental expansion of the economy. The Author makes no claims as regards the robustness of the proposed design, or the effectiveness of indicated outcomes. Introduction In previous blogs 1 , I broached the concept of navigating the macro-economy by leveraging dual ‘SGDP - NGDP Bonds’ as guides to obtain balanced, socio-economic