
Showing posts from January, 2017

Cause Bond-based Political Cycle Government, NGDP optimization and Budgeting

An Endogenous and Integrated Model of Cause Bond-based, Sustainability-consistent Budgeting within a Tri-partite Political Cycle Government ___ GangaPrasad Rao 1 Summary and Caveat The Nominal PV paradigm adopted globally by populist governments has brought about a polarized and inequitable society. Continued reliance on such biased paradigm is bound to exacerbate financial and environmental unsustainabilities and cause nation, even global socio-economic turmoil. This manuscript presents a holistic, goal-based, quantitatively-optimized, Real-Nominal design that attempts to elucidate FV, BV and EV non-monetary streams beyond PV operations. It offers a tri-partite Political Cycle Government built around tacit participation by the impenured Government Opposite Group, GO, in the context of a Gold-collaterallized and Gold-mediated trading in the internal SGDP-NGDP Bond market and the external Bullion-FD market. A dynamically-adjusting, quantitative, optimizing framework is presented that pe