
Showing posts from December, 2016

The 370ppm CO2 Challenge Makes a Lot of Environmental Sense

Ganga Prasad Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist The global CC-OC economy, comprised of Private Capitalists, has adopted the competitive Nominal Open Cycle paradigm to exploit resources in the Commons, ostensibly to maximize, both, sovereign economic growth and PV Lifestyles. Multilateral competition, centered around cost-advantages, has incentivized lower-priced, externality-causing carbon-intensive fuels and related technology over sustainable CC technologies in many third-world nations. Competitive economic growth fuelled by a low-cost, externality-intensive technology has brought us to the precipice of a global environmental calamity, avoiding which requires a sacrifice of prospective growth from those with the largest economic stake - the least developed nations. In this context, whereas the Kyoto agreement focused on curtailing emissions from the developed group of nations, the focus of the Paris convention is on eliciting voluntary reductions i