
Showing posts from November, 2013

Kickstart my … Climate Change Policy !

Kickstart my … Climate Change Policy !   Ganga Prasad G. Rao Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economist     Introduction An important, even critical lesson in environmental economics is the anticipation of future, irreversible environmental damages and providing a resolution for them in the present. A further specific case concerns the anticipation of very low probability environmental risks but which have the potential to cause very large, unprecedented damages. Such is the case with Climate Change. The seemingly inexorable increase in global CO2 emissions, the consequent accumulation of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and the ‘inertia’ built in to the global warming cycle implies rising sea levels across years and decades – whether gradually, or cataclysmically, as well as irreversible changes to seasonal weather patterns that could, among a multitude of other impacts, potentially affect hundreds of millions residing by the coasts, cause the spread of tr