
Showing posts from December, 2012

Can’t Touch This! – A Merit-based Reservation Strategy to Social Equity

Can’t Touch This! – A Merit-based Reservation Strategy to Social Equity Ganga Prasad G. Rao Look around and it might seem as though the gulf between the Developing world and the Developed world is closing. But look closer and beyond the industrialization and consumerism, often the benchmark for such comparisons, and what do you find? Many, if not most third world societies, are steeped in economic and social inequity that has, due the spread of western capitalism, turned oppressive on the poor and/or historically socially suppressed. To compound it, this oppressed class, a large electoral block, has been the darling of many a political party who have sought, whether from the heart or with an axe to grind, to espouse their cause on way to the corridors of power. Predictably, the politicians thus elected enforced equity by adopting the brute force, heavy-handed means of reversing the wrong – a Quota-based reservation/entitlement system in hi