
Showing posts from April, 2012
Consumer Activism Vs Energy Economissm ? Ganga Prasad G. Rao Ever so often, we come across those occasions when our professional prudence is extended and challenged by ethical dilemmas. Physicians weighing the pros and cons of referring a patient for a procedure or to a specialist not unaware of the gain to their practice; an HoD extending the PhD program of a candidate to squeeze out a couple more semesters of teaching to avoid a costly faculty recruitment; even policymakers and bankers winking lagged-asynchronously with the RBI when it comes to monetary moves that shake up the bourses. But would it be 'harakiri' of an Energy Economist to break the bounds of his discipline, tear the fence of professional decency and question the  logic of revised power tariffs - self-interest or otherwise? Just the past month, the Chief Minister of TN proposed the revised power tariffs applicable for various classes of TANGEDCO customers. Surprise, surprise....N