
Showing posts from 2012

Can’t Touch This! – A Merit-based Reservation Strategy to Social Equity

Can’t Touch This! – A Merit-based Reservation Strategy to Social Equity Ganga Prasad G. Rao Look around and it might seem as though the gulf between the Developing world and the Developed world is closing. But look closer and beyond the industrialization and consumerism, often the benchmark for such comparisons, and what do you find? Many, if not most third world societies, are steeped in economic and social inequity that has, due the spread of western capitalism, turned oppressive on the poor and/or historically socially suppressed. To compound it, this oppressed class, a large electoral block, has been the darling of many a political party who have sought, whether from the heart or with an axe to grind, to espouse their cause on way to the corridors of power. Predictably, the politicians thus elected enforced equity by adopting the brute force, heavy-handed means of reversing the wrong – a Quota-based reservation/entitlement system in hi

The GP 'Macro Bowl O' Economy !

The GP ‘Macro Bowl O’ Economy ! Ganga Prasad G. Rao The world over, it is the same humdrum, the same reaction to the economic crisis that has afflicted nations across the globe. Every economic contraction, no matter of what origin must be responded to by stimulating the economy with low interest rates and ‘stimulus funds’. Pump prime an economy with ‘policies’ that have no credibility, shore up the very banks that caused the financial crash with their ultra-short trading, even indulge in a privately enriching market crash despite an obvious conflict of interest …..and when the economy fails, put your hands up, point your finger at the ‘other guy’, and walk away with your booty in the melee of a regime change. Macro-politics, my friend, is an art to master! So, in a world of no alternatives, let’s, for a change, break all taboos – I mean, academic - and imagine the unimaginable. Let us motivate a macro-economy with an entirely different rationale. An economy that


TAKE OR PAYAYA! – A ‘SWOOF’ ON ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCING Ganga Prasad G. Rao Election campaign financing and reform has been at the forefront of politics for the undue influence it has on everything from candidate choice, the platform, the choice of constituencies, the party manifesto itself, even post-election strategies and policies of parties, whether winners or otherwise. The lack of a credible, public, legal, and ethical system to raise finances for election campaigns (and for other normal political activities) has induced many an ill in our society – from corruption and fraud to conspiracies, murders and allegation of electoral manipulation with ‘foreign’ money. One of the primary inadequacies with the existing system which raises funds from special interests is the overt expectation, post-elections, of returns, even immediate and substantial, for political contributions made prior to elections. Such expectations, admittedly difficult to deny post the electoral win, have result