
Showing posts from August, 2007

Two Cents for My Idle Thoughts

Two Cents for My Idle Thoughts? (You are, by now, used to my usual disclaimers!) Ganga Prasad G. Rao - Like whether foreign governments who stand to benefit from a warmer climate are promoting expansion of coal-based power and power-sector deregulation in poor and populated, but coal-rich nations to achieve their goals (while claiming to further Millenium Development Goals!)...??? (India can go nuclear when the Antarctic has been colonized!!) – Like whether the US will invade 'Iran' as a face-saver to cover its 'withdrawal' from Iraq and whether the invasion of Iran is a thinly-veiled strategy to eventually confront Russia in a world-war by moving in to oil-rich Kazhakstan/Azerbaijan on behalf of the Saudis? – Like whether the entire sub-prime crisis is a cleverly-thought out cover for arranging 'energy security' payment from Saudi Arabia (through German and Japanese Banks) for the protection provided to them by US not only fro

Economist's Nightmare, Environmentalist's Delight?

Globalize Power Generation to Abate Global Warming Ganga Prasad G. Rao Just yesterday, at, I opined against India's voluntary involvement in any carbon reduction proposal. Clearly, as a country, India cannot afford to hold back the millions of its citizens in abject poverty to assuage the feelings of the developed world who conveniently forgot for decades that CO2 emissions turn the earth warmer. But, climate change will not stop for India, or for that matter, any other country. It has been gathering steam all these years and decades and now, alarmingly, it seems to be accelerating. We must reduce CO2 concentrations, and that too within a short period of time. 15 years post Kyoto, we have achieved little. Some, me included, would contend that the wave of privatization and competition in various economies and especially the power sector, has set us back and moved the world closer to an environmental catastrophe. Perhaps Kyoto has serv

Global Warming? I'd call it Global Collusion!

Dear Editor (The Economist) I found myself disagreeing with 'The Economist' on reading 'Better late than never'. Increasingly, the developed world is calling upon the developing countries to 'share' in reducing carbon emissions. But where was this camaraderie in 1970 when the western world was chugging away merrily on the back of the earth's capacity to assimilate all waste in to its pristine environment? As a citizen of a developing nation, I am tempted to ask for the same pristine air quality on which the developed nations enriched their economies. Instead, the developing nations, who, incidentally, held back rapid industrialization fearing resource exhaustion, have been bequeathed a world teetering at environmental collapse. Those who conserved resources in the decades of western industrialization are now being asked to go slow just precisely at the take-off point of their economies. The lesson to draw perhaps is 'if you need to rape the environment,